Page 9 of The Vixen's Vice

The door slams closed, sealing my fate.

Zay laughs maliciously, pulling his cock from me and stepping around in a slow arc, finally coming to a stop right in front of me. My heart clenches as I take in that familiar red mask—the one that haunts my every nightmare and waking fantasy.

Slowly, oh so slowly, he reaches up and pulls the mask from his face. Finally letting me see the monster that resides beneath. Only, when I look upon him, I see no monster at all. My pulse thrums violently as he leans in, taking a deep breath of the fear and desire rolling off me in waves.

His lips spread into a maddening smirk, one that has desire pooling in my belly and a wildfire sparking to life in my heart. But it’s what he says next that undoes me—makes me forget anyone that came before him.

“Finally alone. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you, my little rose.”


As I gazeupon Zay’s face, I’m truly taken aback by his features—so unusual, they would look strange individually, but together…He’sstunning.Waves of long black hair fall over his forehead, partially obscuring eyes the color of clear jade. He sports a strong nose that adds to the sharp angle of his stubbled jaw, and his lips are perfectly full and kissable.

This isn’t right. He shouldn’t look so… God-like.

“Are you ready, little rose?” he whispers, green eyes alight with hunger. I swallow hard, tugging weakly against my wrist restraints as he reaches for me. I half expect him to have his way with me again—something Itrulywouldn’t mind now that the shock of Landon’s betrayal has worn off. There’s something in the way he looks at me that tells me he wants to do right by me. To protect me.

Instead of taking me, he unhooks the pins holding my arms above my head. My body slumps forward, but Zay is there to catch me, holding my weight tenderly as he does the same to my ankles. When I’m free, he scoops me into his strong arms, holding me tight against his chest as he steps toward the door. We ascend a flight of steps, at the top of which are two twindoors. The one directly ahead is cracked slightly, letting in rays of moonlight and the gentle zest of cypress on the wind.

So we are in the Forest…

I don’t get to ask any questions before Zay fishes out a key and inserts it into the door on our left. Artificial light streams in, and I squint my eyes tight as Zay steps into a large, well-lit room. There’s a small kitchen off to the side, a living space with a couch and TV, as well as a crimson door at the far back of the space that I assume leads to the bedroom.

My throat bobs as Zay makes a beeline to that door. I clutch his shirt tightly as he opens the door, allowing me to get a good look at the California king taking up most of the small bedroom. Instead of laying me on the bed like I assume, Zay takes a left and carries me into the bathroom I hadn't noticed before. He sets me gently on the side of the tub as he turns to the faucet, holding his hand under the water until he gets the temperature just so.

“Zay… What are you doing?” I whisper, wrapping my arms tightly around my chest.

He jerks his head to me, a deep eleven between his brows. “Drawing you a bath. Is this not okay?”

“No, it is… I just…” My voice falls off, too embarrassed to tell him no one has ever done something so small for me.

Seeing my expression, Zay reaches out, holding my chin gently in his palm as he seems to read my mind. “Allow me to correct this wrong for you, my precious rose. Let me pamper you for a while.”

I nod, unexpected emotion welling in my eyes as Zay helps me climb into the tub. The warm water laps heavenly against my tired muscles, and I sink back with a sigh, allowing my eyes to drift close as Zay wets a washcloth and begins cleaning me.

After a few minutes, I realize he’s still wearing his gloves. I grab his hand and Zay jerks back, alarm written all across his face.

“What… what are you doing?”

My face heats. “I was… I wanted to take your gloves off. I’ve never… felt you before.”

A slow smile works across his face. He allows me to remove the coverings, looking at my profile with such deep adoration it causes my toes to curl. “I’m obsessed with you, you know that?” he murmurs. “So. Fucking. Obsessed.”

I lower my eyes as I feed my hand into his, marveling at the way his fits so perfectly in mine. If I’m honest, I might be a little obsessed with him too. It’s fucking insane, but I am.


I look up in alarm, frowning at the sadness held in his beautiful eyes. “What is it?”

“I’m not a good man, my rose,” he says, tightening his hand around mine. “I’m a bad man—a terrible man. And I don’t deserve someone… someone as glorious as you.”

I shake my head at the preposterousness of the situation. He’s stalked me, kidnapped me, spun me around his little finger, and now he’s worried he’s not good enough?

“Fucking men,” I laugh, throwing my head back as Zay looks on in confusion.

“Did I… did I say something funny?”

I nod, unable to stop the shit-eating grin from working its way across my face. “You’re just a funny guy. Now that you have me, you’re thinking of giving me away.”