Brenden’s shoulders tighten, but he doesn’t saya word. Master scoffs, turning to address the rest of us.
“Today’s match is a fight to the death.” His distorted voice echoes across the clearing, and several birds take flight to get away from the horrid sound. His chest shakes with a chuckle, and he turns that black oval toward me, pinning me with a stare. Like he knows something I don’t, and he’s going to enjoy watching me suffer.
“First match of the day,” he says, spreading his arms wide. “Boy and Brenden.”
Jane Evangeline: Entry #12
I saw Maverick’s face.
I honestly can’t believe it, even as I’m writing.
He said it was an act of trust—that he believes in me and my mission to help him take down the Sanctum. Apparently, it goes against the most important rule of his code, but I kind of stopped listening after that because I was too mesmerized by his face. He is easily the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on—no, seriously, Hollywood really fucking missed out on this one.
I have butterflies right now just thinking about his million-watt smile. But I shouldn’t feel that way, not when I still have this nagging urge to jump Hudson’s bones.
Thinking about it now, I might just ask Hudson toremovehismask the next time I see him. After all, Maverick trusted me enough, and we’ve only met a few times.
It should be no problem for Hudson.
“How did he die?”I ask, running my fingers over the picture once more. They both seem so happy in this photo. To know what becomes of them… it’s terribly sad, that’s for damn sure.
For a long time, Ghost is silent. Then his shoulders tense, and he turns from the picture. “I don’t really like talking about Brenden,” he murmurs, moving toward the exit. He crooks his gloved fingers over his shoulder, gesturing for me to follow.
“Come, Brett.”
I frown.I’m not a fucking dog.But still, I’m curious as to what he was just thinking about. So when he disappears down the hall, I follow. I have to run to catch up with his long strides, and by the time he stops in front of the stone wall, I’m out of breath.
“Where… are we going?” I ask between heaving breaths, my hands planted on my knees to give me some relief.Fuck cardio, man.
Ghost tips his head with a chuckle, seeming to enjoy the fact I’m so out of shape. “Why don’t Ishow you?” He presses his wrist against the wall, and the stone slides open, revealing one of the most magnificent bathrooms I’ve ever laid eyes on.
The entire room is cast from floor to ceiling in huge slabs of dark, natural textured stone, and though the room is massive, the gentle orange glow of the light against the tiles gives it an incredibly cozy feel. My eyes scan the bathroom, and I’m halfway through admiring the rainforest spout in the walk-in shower when I catch sight of the bathtub.
It is easily one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, and my muscles ache with the need to climb inside. The massive sinking tub is made entirely of shimmering black porcelain, which dances in the light with every slight shift on my eyes. Intricately carved bronze legs hold the tub in the air, matching the small golden handles hanging at various places around the rim. I trace my fingers over the golden loops, trying to figure out what they would be for. There's no way someone could lift this tub, and if they tried, the thin handles would surely snap off.
I jerk when Ghost’s hand touches my waist, a burst of guilt overcoming me when he shuffles away, his headbent low.
“Do you like it?” He asks, gesturing to the heavenly tub. I nod eagerly, ready to ask him if I could use it when he says, “You’ve had a rough two days. I figured you might like to take a bath.”
“I will help you.”
Wait—what the fuck?
“I beg your most exquisite pardon?” I ask, taking an involuntary step back when his face whips toward me. “You absolutely willnotbe doing that.”
Ghost stalks closer, each of his steps matching mine until my back is pressed against the stone wall. He places his hand to the right of my head, leaning that mask in until it brushes my nose. I stare into that black, soulless oval, feeling like I’m about to fall in.
“Why not?”
My brain swims, and I desperately try to recall what we were talking about. “I… because!”
“Because why?”