“Please, I need help!” I cry, hoping they can hear me through the thick, tinted windows.
The man—no, boy—in the driver's seat rolls down the window, his brows pinched together in a frown. He can’t be more than sixteen, but I’ll take whatever help I can get.
“Is there a problem?”
“I’m Federal Agent Evangeline, and I need your help,” I whisper-shout, shooting a hurried look over my shoulder as if the masked Phantom will appearany moment. “Can you please take me into town? Or just give me your cell phone so I can call for backup.”
The boy drags his phone from his pocket, but instead of handing it to me, he shows me the screen with a shrug. “No service out here. I’m heading into town right now. You and your… friend are more than welcome to ride with if you?—”
Before he has the chance to finish, I yank open the door and hop into the passenger seat, strapping the seat belt around my waist firmly.
“I can’t thank you enough. You have no idea what I’ve been through,” I sigh, settling into my seat with Venom before smiling at the teenage boy. He’s a good-looking kid with jet-black hair and the most striking pair of blue eyes I’ve ever seen. However, the eerie smile playing on his mouth gives me the heebie-jeebies.But that could just be lingering paranoia from being fucking kidnapped.
“Looks like I came at just the right time, then,” he says, his face frozen in that creepy-ass smile. “Do you want to tell me what happened, Brett?”
“I honestly can’t disclose the details to civilians. But I will tell you—” I freeze, a horrifying realization hitting me.I didn’t tell him my first name.
“You took something that didn’tbelong to you. Didn’t you?” he asks, that same eerie smile on his face.
The photograph is heavy in my pocket. “What did you say?”
“You really shouldn’t accept rides from strange men, especially in these parts,” the boy says, shooting me a smirk that has nothing but malice behind it. “Ghost doesn’t appreciate it when you disobey his orders, Brett.”
Something sharp pokes into the side of my neck, and then everything goes black.
The Code: Rule #5
No information pertaining to the Sanctum shall be shared (with a civilian or lower-ranking Mask)
I flip the bacon,listening to the satisfying sizzle as I take a deep breath in.I fucking love the smell of bacon in the evening.I smile to myself, moving over to the scrambled eggs cooking on low on the other burner. I give them a gentle stir, listening for the telltale footsteps that will tell me when Brett has woken. She’s been sleeping all day—likely due to the excess sedative Orion gave her—and the sun is just setting behind the cliffs, casting the kitchen in a warm orange hue.
I can’t believe I almost lost her last night.I frown, nearly burning the eggs when I forget I’m supposed to be stirring. I sigh, pulling the pan from the heat before turning back to the bacon.If Orion hadn’t found her when he did, I…
I can’t think about that now. I shake my head, getting rid of those negative thoughts.I need to focus. Brett will be up any moment now.
As if on cue, there’s a shuffle emanating from the doorway. I turn to face her, my smile hidden by the thick metal mask on my face. Brett stands in the doorway, her hands clenched tightly in front of her. My chest lights up as I rest my gaze on her, noting the way her hair gleams in the evening light.
She looks lovely.
“Hello, Brett. You’re just in time for dinner.”
She bites her lip, lowering her head slightly. “Eggs and bacon for dinner?” When I don’t answer, she clears her throat. “Yesterday… I didn’t mean to offend you by running away?—”
“It’s quite understandable,” I say, using a fork to plop the bacon onto a platter. “You were thinking of your duties as a federal agent. However, I must also think of my duties, which is why you’re back here.” I cast a look at where she’s still standing awkwardlyin the doorway. “Regrettably, Rupert had to have his collar altered.”
She grimaces, taking two small steps into the kitchen while gazing around. “You didn’t show me this room yesterday.”
“I was planning to.”
“Right,” she murmurs, her eyes dropping to the floor. “So who was that? The guy who… picked me up?”
“Orion.” I plop two more pieces of bacon onto the platter. “He is my… apprentice.”