Page 37 of The Phantom's Vice

“I see.”

If I didn’t know who I was talking to, I would think he sounded almost… sad. I shake away the thought, remembering the monster he is. He doesn’tfeelanything. He kills people without remorse, without care. He needs to be dealt with.

And apparently, I’m the only one who can.

“Why don’t you just do it already?” I demand, shifting the tip of the barrel slightly.

“Do what?”

“Kill me. I saw how you took out those other guys—you should have no problem.”That’s it, Brett. Draw him out to the light. If you can see him, you can kill him.

There’s a pause, almost as if he’s contemplating my proposal. “No. No, I don’t think I will.”

“Why?”I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to fire blindly into the shadows. I only have a few bullets left, so I can’t waste them. “Why are you toying with me? Why don’t you just make your move already?”

A small chuckle bounces off the walls, adding more fire to my fury. “Oh, darling Brett. I already have.”

There’s a scoff at three o’clock, and I empty the chamber at the place I’m sure he’s standing. However, my bullets fail to hit home, and a second later, I know I’m alone.

He’s gone.



The Code: Rule #12

To kill another Mask without a direct order is the highest form of treachery. Protect your brothers at all costs.

I waituntil I see Brett on her home video camera to call Orion to bring the truck. I should be thinking about how I will extract information from Xander, but the only thing that preoccupies my mind is the look on Brett’s face earlier.

Shehatesme. Really, truly despises me. There’s an aching in my chest I haven’t felt in so long, and I don’t know what to do about it. My bottle has been licked clean, and there’s nothing left of her to calm me down and make this horrible ache go away.

A ragged cry tears from my chest, and I slump to my knees, holding my head in my hands.Why won’t she see me? If she could only understand. I don’twantto hurt her—not anymore. Ineedher now more than ever. The fact is so apparent, it’s sickening.

And she doesn’t fucking need me back.

I take a deep breath as screeching tires alert me to Orion’s arrival. Straightening, I glide over to the crime scene while I wait for the truck to appear. Xander’s blinding blue eyes glare with all the words the gag won’t let him. His partner—Tate, I think—lies dead at his side, ruddy brown eyes staring lifelessly at the ceiling.

I just shake my head, a low chuckle rumbling in my chest as I stare at Xander’s bare face. I’m sure he misses his mask sorely, but he won’t need it where we’re heading.

He yells nonsense through the gag, and I sigh, reaching down to pull it from his mouth.

“What is it?” I tap my foot impatiently against the concrete. “You want to speak? Do so.”

“Rot in hell, traitorous bastard.” Xander spits at me, but his aim is off, and it flies somewhere off to my left.

How embarrassing.I sigh tiredly,putting the gag back in place. “You can’t even spit right. What kind of a Disposer are you?”

The man’s eyes shoot fire at me, and I can’t help but let out another laugh. “I can’t wait to see how long you keep that look after Orion gets to you.” For a moment, he frowns, his eyes seeming to ask,who’s Orion?

On cue, Orion's rusted blue truck pulls around the corner, aiming straight for Tate’s head. In slow motion, the massive wheel rolls over his head, sending brains and blood spewing all over Xander. Xander’s face pales, looking like he’s going to lose his lunch. He doesn’t even blink—just stares at the headless body of what used to be his partner.

“Yee-haw!” Orion whoops, holding his head out of the window like a damn dog.Jesus Christ, the kid is twisted.“Did you see me, Ghost? Damn, I wish I got that on video.”

Little fucking psychopath.“Couldn’t miss it. Now park the damn thing and help me get these bodies in the trunk.”

Orion grins like he just won the lottery, pulling up next to Xander and hopping out next to us. “You left one alive.”