Blood seeps through the thick cuts across his arms and abdomen—thick rivers of red that fall to the ground with a lightplop… plop… plop…
The gagged man yells something through the duct tape, bringing my attention back to him. I yank it off his mouth, taking pleasure in the way he winces painfully.
“What’s that?”
“Whatever she’s paying you, I can double?—”
I place the tape back over his mouth, then step back, shaking my head in disappointment. “What you fail to realize is that I am a man of principle. Taking your money would be wrong, considering I’ve already promised her you’d be dead by the ’morrow. Now, what kind of a man would I be if I went back on my word?”
The agent stares wide-eyed, and I continue, undeterred. “I would be a man much like yourself. Gagged. Tied to a chair and forced to listen to a lunatic's ravings right before he dies. So you see, I must maintain my principles. For without principles, man is nothing more than?—”
A gunshot rings out, and the agent slumps forward. My gaze falls to the gun in my hand, still warm from the shot I don’t remember taking.
“A beast,” I murmur, staring at the weapon a beat too long before shoving it in my waistband. A green call box blinks in the upper corner of the screen built into my mask, reminding me of the next step of the mission. Usually, I would have already called the Disposers to clean up my mess, but something stops me.
Maybe it’s because Daniel’s proclivities reminded me so much of another. Maybe it’s because I’ve finally lost my mind. Or maybe—maybe it’s because I need to make a point.
A gesture.
With my pulse monitor blaring, I step forward and haul Daniel’s lifeless body over my shoulder. A thick squelching noise accompanies the movement, but it barely registers as I float across the room, a plan forming in the depths of my depraved mind.
Like a ghost, I disappear into those shadows from which I came.
Jane Evangeline: Entry #1
Some strange things are happening in Moriton. Strange and awful things.
This story was supposed to be a throwaway piece on the high crime rate in Moriton. But after what I saw last night, I no longer think so.
This is big. Bigger than me or this whole city.
I guess I should explain—last night, I made contact with a man. Only, he’s not just any man. He wore a black mask and an immaculate suit, complete with a pair of kidskin leather gloves.
His name is Maverick, and he’s a retired Phantom.
What is a Phantom? I didn’t know before tonight either.
And I kind of wish I never did.
I'm so close,I can practically feel him.The Phantom.
Many different men have worn the persona over the past century, but the bloodshed he brings has stayed consistent. The current Phantom has been a scourge on this city for over a decade—-and from the records, far more violent than all his predecessors combined. With seemingly endless resources and intelligence, the assassin has been able to evade the bureau seamlessly while carrying out his vile deeds under the cover of night.
It’s hard to sleep knowing what could be lurking in the shadows just outside your window—or rather, who—which is why I’ve been damn near obsessed with this case since it was plopped in my lap last month. And last night, I got my big break.
As I pass out the manila folders to my team, my chest buzzes with pride. Every last bit of evidence on the Phantom is neatly compiled within. All his known victims, previous associates, and photos of the masked criminal. However, none of the old evidence comes close to what was discovered at the latest crime scene.
The Phantom’s hair.
It was strange to find at the time, beingthat he's an overly meticulous bastard. When the hair was discovered, I was convinced he left it on purpose. To play some sick game with us. But then the lab came back with the results, and I knew—I knew that he finally made a mistake. It washisDNA, though it didn't directly match anything we had in our system. But with the help of the genetic testing database—thank the lord for—the markers on his DNA led us to something better. The Phantom's mother.
And she's living right here in Moriton.
"As I'm sure you all know, there's been a major break in the Phantom case.” I pause to clear my throat, a ball of anxiety replacing my pride as a dozen eyes bore into me. Watching. Waiting. Hoping. Sensing my hesitation, my partner, Jim, spreads his lips in a reassuring smile, those familiar brown eyes offering me comfort from across the room. I take a deep breath in through my nose, then start again.