Brett’s chest heaves as she lies face up on the mattress, her body limp with exhaustion. I run my fingers over the skin of her abdomen, trailing up to her face and over her lips.
“You’re so beautiful, darling,” I murmur, pulling the gag from her mouth and placing a kiss on herchapped, red-rimmed lips. “So beautiful, it makes me want to stay a while longer.”
“Hmm?” she mumbles, pulling slightly at her restraints. “Untie me, and we can snuggle.”
I shake my head even though the blindfold doesn’t allow her to see it. “I’m sorry, darling, but I can’t do that.”
Brett’s fog clears at my words, and she yanks wildly on the cuffs holding her wrists in place. “What do you mean? Ghost, let me go!”
“I can’t,” I say, my voice cracking as I pull my hand from her—returning to that horrible nothingness that her absence brings. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
“You can't do what?” Brett demands, her tone desperate. “Ghost, don’t you dare do what I think you’re doing.”
“I won’t risk your life, Brett,” I whisper, reaching out to her and stopping just before I make contact. If I do, there’s no way I’m leaving this room—and Ihaveto. Before Brett, I might have said “fuck it” and thrown away my plans. Ran away to a deserted island to live out the rest of my miserable, useless life. No cares, no worries, no obligation to do the right thing.
But that was before her.
Now, I want to change this world—even if it’sjust a small, fucked-up piece like Moriton—to make it better forher.To make it worthy of her. And I know I don’t have a chance in hell, but I’ll die trying. For her. It’s always been for her.
“Goodbye, darling,” I whisper, my chest cracking wide open with the words. For all I know, they will be the last ones I ever speak to her. And it hurts because I’m not brave enough to tell her all the things I want to. Not strong enough to offer her the vulnerability she needs.
And I think that’s the most fucked-up part of all.
I railagainst the restraints until my wrists are bloody and bruised, the plush leather unable to protect my skin from my efforts. I’ve managed to dislodge the blindfold, but have had zero luck loosening the handcuffs. Venom and Rupert sit at the foot of the bed, occasionally letting out worried rumbles when I wince from the pain. If they could, I know they would help me. But you know—no opposable thumbs.
“Fuck,” I curse, a trail of red tracking down my arm and landing with a delicateplopon the mattress. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
I saw a documentary once about weasels, and how difficult it was to catch them with typical snare-mouth type traps. Because apparently, the crafty little fuckswill chew their own limbs off to free themselves—their desperate need far outweighing the loss of a foot.
And well, I am the definition of desperate right now.
I’m considering doing as the weasels do when the front door scrapes open, and my heart soars up into my mouth.
“Ghost?” I call, the stupid organ brimming with hope. With the possibility he came back.Maybe he realized it was a terrible idea, and he came back to?—
“Holy shit!” Orion stumbles out of the bedroom, a hand covering his eyes. “What thefuck,Brett?”
“Orion!” I yell, desperation winning out over my embarrassment. “Orion, help me get free!”
Slowly, he removes his hand, unable to stop his eyes from roaming over my naked, exposed body. “Ho-ly. Shit.”
“Don’t be gross,” I bark, rolling my eyes as another wave of embarrassment pours over me. “Just… close your eyes and take these cuffs off.”
“But how will I get them off if I’m not looking?” Orion asks, wigging his thick black brows, eyes dipping.
“Don’t make me sic Rupert on you,” I warn, narrowing my eyes at his irritating smirk. “I know his commands.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Orion grumbles. “However, Ghost did this, and I’m thinking he’d be pretty pissed if I?—”
“Ghost left! He did this so I couldn’t follow him. He’s going to the fucking Sanctum, Orion!”
Orion seizes, his eyes taking on a glass sheen. “He… he wouldn’t do that. It’s suicide.”
“Well, we can talk about it all you want if you get me out of this,” I say, trying to keep the hysteria out of my voice. “Orion, please. Youknowhim. You know he’d do anything to protect y-you and Rupert. He’s going to fuckingkillhimself.”