Kain pins him with a hard stare. “You’re not actually that stupid, are you?”
“Of course I am. Why else would I be here?”
I look between the two men, my brows pinched together in worry. “Ghost? What’s he talking about?”
“He’s planning to take out the Madam,” Lillith whispers, her eyes wide with fright. “Ghost… no.”
“Yes,” he says, taking an even step forward. “The Sanctum works much like a beehive—the queen at the top, making sure all the little workers fall in line. But take the queen out, and the hive goes berserk.” Ghost squares his shoulders. “Don’t you see? There’s nousetrying to do anything else. If the queen lives,the hive goes on. Even if we killed all the Table members, she would have them replaced within the hour. No, we have to kill the Madam. Wemustkill the Madam. It’s the only way.”
Kain and Lillith nod like they understand. Meanwhile, it feels like someone has their fist wrapped around my heart.How on earth is he going to accomplish his plan? And with only me andKainfor backup? The Madam must have a hundred masks working for her, ready to throw down their lives to protect her. One man can’t possibly take on all that.
“We must take our leave now,” Ghost says, sliding his hand around the small of my back. “I’ll message you the details in a day or so.”
When we make it to the doorway, Ghost stops, his shoulders tensing. “Reinhold, I haven’t said it yet, but thank you. You really are a good friend.”
A low chuckle pours from Kain’s throat. “So you keep saying. Try not to get yourself killed before we storm the headquarters, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Ghost murmurs, his steps slow as he leads me from the house. “Yeah, I’ll try.”
That evening,Brett, Orion, and I sit at the kitchen table, a swath of greasy snacks and frozen foods spread across the mahogany like a feast for a family of raccoons. I crinkle my nose in mock disgust as Brett and Orion shovel the cardboard food into their mouths between excitable conversation, a strange emotion pinching my heart at the sight.
They’re happy. Truly, wonderfully happy.
The thought is strange, considering the war waging in the depths of my mind. Neither of them knows it, but this might be the last time all three of us are here, eating together.
Laughing together.
Brett stops mid-laugh to send me a casual wink, leading me to think the pair were sharing some jokeat my expense. But I don’t mind. Not in the slightest. Not at all, if it causes that lovely smile to grace her face.
My chair screeches as I stand from the table, my eyes pinned on Brett’s flushed cheeks. “Orion, it’s time for bed,” I murmur, never taking my eyes off Brett.
She swallows hard as Orion shoves back from the table, snatching the plate of half-eaten taquitos with a roll of his eyes. “Gross. I know what that look’s for.”
I shoot a glare at his back as Brett falls into a fit of giggles. Giggles that quickly cut off as I turn my hungry gaze to her. I take two steps in her direction, a devious smile lighting my face as I easily haul her over my shoulder.
I whisk Brett into the bedroom, filling the insatiable desire that runs through my veins. I run my hands over every dip and curve of her body, memorizing the way her body shudders at each one of my gentle caresses, the way it jerks with each violent strike. Her moans mix delectably with heaving breaths, shuddering waves of pleasure that flow to every part of her, warming her skin.
Hours later, when I’ve had my fill of her, when every part of me is so deeply entwinedwith hers, I lie with her head on my chest, running my fingers delicately through her raven hair. Wishing. Hoping. Praying for one more day.
Brett’s eyelashes flutter gently against my chest as she reaches out in an attempt to pull me impossibly closer. I’ve never witnessed a more perfect creature—not in all my travels, in all the people I’ve seen. It hurts to know that I will have to leave her soon, but it’s a necessary pain.
None of this has gone the way I planned it, yet… I find myself unable to regret a single instance. I know she’ll be angry at the end of this—maybe she’ll even hate me—but there is no other way. And God, do I wish there were.
Forcing a blanket of quiet over my mind, I close my eyes and focus on taking deep, even breaths. The scent of Brett helps but not enough, and for a long while, I’m sure sleep will evade me tonight. But then Brett snuggles into my side, and suddenly, the weight on my shoulders doesn’t seem so bad.
That night, I dream of a blood-drenched castle, the golden walls dripping with sticky red life. I dream of a woman beautiful and good, her hair as dark as araven’s wings. The glow of the moon casts a shimmering blue hue across her skin, giving her a haunting, ethereal quality.
I cannot see her face, but something inside tells me one look from her and I will fracture. Splinter. All of me, reduced to jagged shards of obsidian in her palms, sprinkled on the dirt beneath her feet.
She turns, and I am right.
I am hers.
Bow-shaped lips part in a grin, and the sentiment shoots to her dazzling blue eyes.Come with me,she seems to say.Stay with me.