“How so?” she asks, her eyes wide with curiosity.
“Last night… with Jim… Madam knows now that I’m not on her side. She’s going to be after us for the restof our lives—until I can find some way to end her first.”
“And… I have elicited the help of someone. If I had any other choice, I would not involve him, but…” I sigh, standing from the bed and turning to face Brett. “I need someone with inside knowledge of the Sanctum headquarters. Someone who worked as the personal guard of the Madam.”
She sits up straight, pulling the sheet up to cover her chest, “Who?”
As soon as she says it, the front door scrapes open. Rupert jumps up from his position by the door, letting out two sharp barks with his ears pinned back. It’s such unusual behavior from the teddy bear that Brett goes on high alert, clutching the sheet to her like a lifeline.
I simply sigh, securing his mask to my face after one last, defeated glance.
“I think it’s better if you see for yourself.”
After pullingon a comfy gray sweatpants set, Ghost takes my hand and leads me out to the living room, Rupert, and Venom close at my heels. There’s a faint melody in the air, growing louder the closer we get to the room. The sonnet bounces hauntingly against the stone walls, heightening my sense of unease as the tune slows to a solemn crawl.
We step into the massive circular room, and my eyes latch onto the suited stranger sitting at the grand piano. Long, bony fingers dance across the ivory keys, drawing the haunting tones that have a shiver running down my spine. He doesn’t seem to notice we’ve entered as he plays, but when I go to take a step toward him, Ghost shoots an arm out, keeping me in place.
I look up at him, but he just gives me a shake of his head before returning his hand to the clasped position in front of him, waiting dutifully for the song to end. It seems like hours before the last note rings out, and by the time the man lifts his fingers from the keys, another eternity.
The man spins to face us, and I take a gasping breath as that faceless black mask comes into view.A mask just like Ghost’s.
“You—You’re…” I point a shaky finger at the masked man, my mind reeling. “You’re?—”
“A Phantom,” he says, standing from the bench and gliding toward us. The way he moves makes it seem like he’s walking through water, utterly controlled and silent. “Well, a retired one. The Sanctum only allows so many to be active at a time. Forsecuritypurposes,” he adds, turning his mask onto Ghost. “Is it true? Are you really planning to take them out?”
Ghost nods, his hand flexing slightly. “Yes. I am.”
The man goes utterly still, that black oval pinned on Ghost’s face. Then to my surprise, a boisterous chuckle echoes off the walls.
“I knew you were crazy, but I didn’t think you wereactuallyinsane.” The man shakes his head. “Iknew there was a reason I liked you. Even when you were an asshole bed-wetter.”
Ghost snarls, taking a menacing step forward. “Will you help me or not?”
He shrugs, seemingly unaffected by the murderous tone in Ghost’s voice. “I would not be here if I wasn’t.”
“Ghost? Who is this?” I whisper, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.
“My name is Maverick,” he says, stepping forward and sticking his hand out to me. Before I can take it, Ghost pulls me back, slapping his hand away quicker than I can blink. “Jesus, Boy. What’s with you?”
“Don’t fucking call me that,” Ghost murmurs, wrapping an arm protectively around my waist. “And don’t touch her.”
Maverick holds his hands up. “Just trying to be friendly,Boy.”
A wave of anger crests in my veins as this stranger mockingly uses Ghost’s old name. Knowing what I do about his childhood, it makes me sick. It makes me furious. It makes me want tohurt?—
“Ow! What in the heavens was that for?” Maverick chokes out, his palms reaching down tocup his crotch. I look down in surprise at my leg lowering to the floor from where I just kneed him.I didn’t realize I did that…
Before I can respond, Ghost steps in front of me, crouched low with a hand on his dagger. “Don’t eventhinkabout?—”
“Relax,” Maverick chokes, straightening slowly. “I won’t retaliate. Just surprised she managed to get one in on me.”
Ghost turns his head to face me. “That’s my fucking girl.”