“I call next to Brett!” he announces, wrapping his arms around her shoulders playfully. “She’s way more fun than your dusty ass.”
Brett flinches as he makes contact, and a murderous rage pulses through my veins. “Orion…” My voice rumbles across the space, and Rupert and Venom raise their heads, noticing the change in my demeanor. “You’re making heruncomfortable.”
“You’re no fun.” Orion sighs but drops his arms, clearly blind to the danger he just put himself in. Idon’t care that he’s my apprentice. Hewill notmake her uncomfortable.There’s already one of us who does that enough.
Brett looks at me, shaking her head silently, and I take the hint. “What would you two like to watch?” Brett looks at Orion, who has a mischievous smirk on his mouth.Oh no. I know that fucking look.
“Brett. Have you ever seenTeam America World Police?” She shakes her head, and I know my fate is sealed.
An hour later, Orion’s feet are resting on my lap with his head toward Brett, a bowl of popcorn sitting squarely on the cushions between them. The last sixty minutes of my life have been absolute torture—and I actually mean it when I say that shit. For 3600 seconds, I have been forced to look at the most abominable cinema product ever created.And this isn’t even the first time I’ve done this with Orion.
I watch the expressionless puppets on screen, desperate for something with which to gouge my eyes out. The only tools available are the soft, fluffy black cat in my lap, and it doesn’t seem like he wants to help me out with those claws of his at the moment. He’s been happily passed out since the opening credits started rolling, yet I’ve been forcedto be conscious during this white torture movie night.
Goddammit. That is hands-down the least funny, revolting piece of trash film I have ever?—
I’m brought out of my thoughts as Brett’s laughter fills the room, loud and clear. Like the angels singing from the heavens, those sounds coming from her parted lips fill my ears, my lungs, and my veins. I’m suddenly full of life, full of light. For the first time in years, I want to laugh, as well.
Fuck, I love this movie.
“Whyare the puppets fucking? I’m in a fever dream, right?” Brett cackles, popping another fistful of popcorn into her mouth. “This whole movie is so fucking wrong.”
Orion shakes his head, unable to speak as his own wave of laughter takes over him. “God only knows. But whichever creative genius came up with it needs to be shot. It’samazing, isn’t it?”
Brett shakes her head, another giggle pouring from her mouth. “It’s… something else.” Her eyes lock on my face, and my heart skips a beat at the tiny smile frozen at the corner of her mouth.My God, she gets more beautiful each time I look at her.
I clear my throat, causing Venom to stretch and leap from my lap. I take the opportunity to stretchmy legs, grabbing the empty bowl of popcorn as I pass Orion and Brett on the couch.
I’m popping a fresh bag of buttered kernels into the microwave when a noise rings out behind me, and I reel around with my knife drawn. Brett takes a step back, her ocean eyes wide and hands in the air.
“Whoa. Don’t stab me. I come in peace.”
I shove the dagger into the holster, my chest pinching with shame. “Is everything okay out there? Orion didn’t?—”
“No, he’s fine.” She laughs, shaking her head. “I don’t know how, but he just passed out a few minutes after you left. Like in the middle of a sentence.”
I chuckle. “Yeah, he does that. Stays awake for days, then crashes when his body can’t take it anymore.”
Brett nods, twisting her fingers together tightly and looking off to the side. She wants to say something, but she won’t.Why?
“Is… there something you want to talk about?”
It might be the light coming from the microwave, but I swear her face flushes. “I just came to see if you’re okay.”
I nod, my chest squeezing as the light danceslike firelight across her cheeks.So fucking beautiful.“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be fine?”
“I don’t know… you just seemoff.”
“Off?” I lean my forearms against the marble countertop, a coy smile lifting my lips. “How very descriptive of you.”
Brett rolls her eyes with a huff, her hair flying out behind her as she turns on her heel. “You know what? Never mind. If you’re going to be an asshole?—”
“You’re right,” I say, causing her to halt and turn back toward me. “You’re right, I-I am off. I’m…worried.It’s something I haven’t felt in quite some time, and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Brett steps closer, taking a seat on a barstool on the opposite side of the island. “You can talk to me about it, you know. Only if you want,” she adds hastily. “I know how you like to keep your secrets.”
“Oh, you think I keep secrets?”
“No. Iknowyou keep them. You wouldn’t have gotten to this point in your life if you hadn’t. Now, either spill or tell me to fuck off. Your move, Ghost.”