I press the spoon against his bottom lip, and he opens, taking the dumpling. He makes a contented noise as he chews, his Adam’s apple bobbing heavily as he swallows it down.
Jesus, I must be really fucked in the head if the sight of himeatingis sexy to me.
“Want another?” I ask, lowering the spoon to the tray. Ghost shakes his head, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
“It would make me much happier to see you eat something,” he murmurs, burying his face in my neck. His lips are still exposed, so he takes the opportunity to trail punishing kisses along the crook of my neck.
I have to focus on chewing so I don’t accidentally choke on the rest of the dumplings, and I nearly breathe a sigh of relief once the tray is empty.Finally, I can focus on Ghost’s lips?—
He pulls away from me, and I want to scream in frustration. Why does he always pull away? Doesn’t he realize that Ilikewhat he’s doing to me?
I turn my head, noting how his hand is covering his crotch, desperately trying to cover it from my view.Oh shit. That’s why.
My face flames, and just when I think I can’t get any more embarrassed, Ghost’s apprentice waltzes into the kitchen.
“Ah, damn. Am I interrupting something?” His dark brows wiggle suggestively, and I have to turn my head to hide my mortification.
“If you keep making her uncomfortable, Iwill skin you alive.”
I look up at Ghost, his shoulders shaking lightly from thinly contained rage. Instinctively, I reach out and press a hand to his chest, and he seems to calm down slightly.
“You’re no fucking fun,” Orion whines, stepping over to the freezer and grabbing a box of taquitos. “Plus, I’d like to see you try, old man.”
I slap my hand over my mouth as a giggle threatens to break free, and I cast my head down as Ghost whips his face to mine. “What? It was funny.”
“Pleased I could be the butt of everyone’s jokes this evening,” he grumbles, though I swear I can detect a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Hah! You saidbutt.” Orion keels over, his hands on his knees to keep him somewhat upright. “Loserrrr.”
If I could see his face, I’m sure Ghost would be rolling his eyes. “Fucking teenagers,I swear.” He steps closer to me, hauling me tightly to his side. “And what did I tell you about that garbage?” Ghost nods at the box of taquitos in Orion’s hands. “If you want to be a Reaper, you need?—”
“A proper diet for the mind and body.Yeah, yeah, whatever. These taste way better than those shitty smoothies you’re always trying to pass off on me. I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” This time,I giggle, which pleases Orion and equally pisses off the scary Phantom at my side. “See? She gets it!”
Ghost huffs, mumbling something under his breath that sounds a lot like, “Now it’s two against one… fantastic.”
The Code: Rule #6
No information gained in the field shall be shared unless explicitly ordered by the Sanctum.
I scowlas the microwave beeps, the scent of greasy freezer-burned taquitos wafting to my nose and making me slightly nauseous. Orion skips toward the microwave, wiggling his brows as he sets the steaming plate in front of Brett. She squeals, clapping her hands together excitedly before shoving one in her mouth.
“Ah! Hot!” She curses, waving a hand at her open mouth to give her some relief. My fist tightens at my side, and I consider how crazy it would look if I took a bat to the microwave.
It hurt Brett.MyBrett. It will pay.
Orion chuckles, popping two rolls into his mouth while smirking at Brett. “Weak shit, Brett. You gotta build up your mouth strength.”
“Mouth strength?” she asks, her mouth popping with indignation. “That’s not even a thing!”
“If it wasn’t a thing, then how come I can do this?” Orion grabs three more taquitos and swallows them down without so much as flinching.
Brett shakes her head, her shoulder shaking with a giggle. “You’re a monster.”
“Yup, that’s the word on the street.” Orion winks, grabbing a taquito and throwing it to Rupert, who’s waiting diligently at his feet. The little black cat sitting in his lap lets out an angrymew,and Orion sighs before breaking off a small piece to give to him.