Page 65 of The Phantom's Vice

“Ghost, it’s okay,” I murmur, approaching slowly like you would a spooked horse. “We can make something else for dinner. Everything is oka?—”

“I ruin everything,”he whispers, that same cracked voice echoing off the walls.“I just want to be good. Why can’t I do somethinggood?”

Okay, something is seriously wrong.“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay,” I whisper, placing my hand carefully on his cheek. When he doesn’t try to jerk away from me, I slowly slide my arms around his shoulders, hugging his head into my chest. He shudders, but he lets me hold him, and after a few minutes, his breathing evens.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, rubbing soothing circles on his back. “I got you. Everything’s okay now.”

His chest shakes slightly as he wraps his arms around my waist, pushing his face into me. “I’m sorry, Brett. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know why I thought I could?—”

“Ghost, it’s okay,” I tell him, Grabbing his mask between my hands and pulling his face up. “Tell me—did someone die?” He shakes his head slowly. Though I know masks can’t have expressions, I would bet money that he’s frowning right now. “Okay… are me, you, Rupert, and Venom okay?”

He nods, his breathing slowing further. “Yes.”

“Then I don’t see what the big issue is.” I grin at him playfully before swooping in and pressing my lips to his mask. “See? If everything was ruined, I wouldn’t dothat,now would I?”

Finally, Ghost straightens, still keeping his armswrapped around me. His body still quakes, but it’s so much better than it was a few minutes ago—like he’s finally in his right mind again.

“I apologize,” he murmurs, turning his face down to look at me. “Sometimes I… forget where I am.”

“You don’t need to apologize. Not for that,” I whisper, pressing my cheek to his chest. My heart cracks thinking about where he went just a moment ago—about what caused him to react so strongly to a little blood on some vegetables. A moment later, rage takes the place of my sorrow, aimed entirely at the person who would abuse him in such a way. Suddenly, I wish I had access to my gun and their name. I would deal with them accordingly.

The thought shocks me, and I pull back from Ghost with wide eyes.What the fuck? That’s not me. I’m not a killer.

“Brett? What’s wrong?”

“Ah, nothing.” I shake my head, then try to give him a convincing smile.

“You’re a terrible liar, Brett.”

I sigh, crossing my arms and dropping my eyes to the floor. “I’m just hangry, that’s all. Any chance you get deliveryaround here?”

Ghost chuckles, the sound causing my mood to brighten. “Not a single one. Luckily, I think I have something better.”

He swoops over to the freezer, pulling out a slim cardboard box. He places it on the counter happily, waiting for my response. I look down at the package, noting the large, smiling dumpling on the front.

“I’ve never had soup dumplings before. Let’s give them a try.”

I expect Ghost to chuck the box into the microwave as soon as I say it, but to my surprise, he doesn’t move. I look over, my brows raised at the tenseness in his shoulders.

“You… have never had soup dumplings? How could this be?” He seems aghast at this information, and I can’t help but laugh. “I will rectify this immediately.”

Ghost makes quick work of the dumplings, returning from the microwave with the small plastic tray and a large soup spoon. “Here,” he says, placing the spoon in my hand. “It’s best to eat them in one bite.”

I shrug, picking one of the dumplings up and popping it in my mouth. Immediately, a burst of flavors coats my tongue, and I moan asI swallow the bite.

“My God… I’ve really been missing out.”

“Indeed,” Ghost murmurs, pushing the plastic tray closer to me. “They are all for you.”

I turn my head, narrowing my eyes. “What about you?”

“I only have one box left. I would much rather you ate it.”

I shake my head with a sigh, picking up another dumpling on the spoon and shoving it toward his mouth—or rather, where his mouth is under that mask.

“Open,” I command, shoving the tip of the spoon closer for good measure. “I’m not going to sit here and eat the entire tray in front of you. That’s hella rude, so open.”

Ghost grumbles, but a moment later, the bottom half of his mask slides up, revealing his stubbled jaw and full, pink lips. In a moment of insanity, I consider reaching up and planting mine on his, but luckily, it passes.