Page 48 of The Phantom's Vice

Poor little thing. She probably thinks she still has a chance to catch me.

“So. Why exactly am I here?” she inquires for the thousandth time.

I turn from her, inspecting an old framed photo on one of the bookshelves. “Because you’re in danger.”

She balks. Then she laughs—like I just said the most hilarious thing in the world. “Yeah, no shit,Sherlock. I’ve been fucking kidnapped by a serial killer.”

I roll my eyes even though she can’t see it. “Not from me, Brett. From the others.”

This, at least, gets her to stop laughing. “Others? What do you meanothers?”

I jerk my gaze back to her, my tone dropping in seriousness. “Tell me, Brett darling… what do you know about the Sanctum?”



Jane Evangeline: Entry #11

Today, Brett asked me why I’m never home anymore.

I couldn’t tell her the truth, no matter how much guilt I felt.

She just wouldn’t understand. How would she? She’s barely thirteen.

I have a meeting with Maverick the Phantom tonight—though I am a bit disappointed I had to cancel my plans with Hudson. He promised me it was important, and I have no reason to doubt him.

I’ll have more to write in the morning, I’m sure.

This is it.He’s finally going to tell me something about his organization.I try to school my expression, trying not to let on how interested I really am. “Iknow some things.” I shrug nonchalantly. “Most of the evidence has been lost or destroyed, though, so probably not much.”

Ghost nods, then turns his head toward the window, where he gazes out for a solid minute. “Yes, they do love their secrets…” He clears his throat, moving over to the bookcase and grabbing a small wooden box. He pries the lid open, pulling something small and silver out. The dog tag glints in the light as he stalks back to me, and I frown when he places it into my palm.

“This… it’s the same as the one you put in my apartment.”

He nods, manually closing my fingers around the thin piece of metal. “I wanted you to know something about me—I wanted you to understand my motives. I realize now you would have had no idea what to do with the information.”

He’s right. I’m more confused now than I was that morning.“What are you trying to tell me? What does thismean?” I ask, gesturing to my closed palm.

Ghost sighs. “You are in possession of my identity. Where I come from, it is the highest form of treason. Especially because I willingly gave it to you.”


He sucks his teeth, looking off to the side. “I wanted you to have something of mine—what few possessions I truly have. It was my way of telling you—of letting you know we are on the same side.”

This information shocks me to the core. “The same side? Of what?”

“Taking down the Sanctum, of course.”

I choke on my words, taking an involuntary step back, the dog tag clutched so tightly in my palm that my fingers turn white. “You—what?”

“You heard me, darling.”

I blink wildly, trying to make sense of what he’s telling me. “I don’t understand…”

“All will be revealed in time,” he murmurs, closing the distance between us and placing his finger under my chin, pulling my gaze back to him. “For now, all you need to know is that you are safe. Here. With me.”

I shake my head, my eyes never leaving his face. “I don’t… why should I believe you? After everything you’ve done?—”