I try to ignore the excited sheen in those babyblues. “Yes. I need some… information. Answers, really.”
Orion stalks toward Xander, rubbing his hands together like a greedy little fly. “We’re gonna have fun, you and I.”
Xander looks from me to the murderous glint in Orion’s eyes and seemsgenuinelyterrified. He shakes his head wildly at me, his eyes screamingplease just kill me.
I roll my eyes, jerking my chin toward the bed. Orion helps me throw Xander into the trunk, and then we toss Tate on top of him.Something about the wind resistance,Orion said.If there’s something to hold him down, there will be less drag. It’s science, man.
It doesn’t sound too plausible to me, but what the hell do I know? I’m certainly not going to argue with Orion when he gets that bloodthirsty look in his eyes. I taught him, after all. If he wanted to, I’m sure he could find some way to kill me if he put a sliver of effort into it.
It’s a good thing he’s lazy as fuck. A lazy lion, content to have someone else bring him his prey.
“Absolutely not. You arenotdriving,” I say, slapping Orion's hand away from the driver's side door handle. He pushes his lower lip out, and I almost want to remind him how ridiculous it looks on him.Yes, he’s a teenage boy, but he’s also a murderous, narcissistic psychopath. It’s just plain silly at this point.
“Go on. Get,” I shoo him away, rolling my eyes at the glare he sends my way. “Yee-haw motherfucker. I’m the captain of this ship.”
Orion rolls his baby blues, jumping into the passenger seat. “You’re solame.”
“One more word, and I deal with Xander myself.”
Orion gasps, jerking back like I heavily offended him. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” I glance over at Orion as I pull the truck into drive. “And put on your seat belt, for fuck’s sake.”
Orion grumbles but does as he’s told. After all, you get more with sugar than vinegar—and there’s a Xander-sized dessert waiting for him.
Sometimes, dealing with teenagers isn’t so hard.
Dealing with teenagers is fucking impossible.
“Orion, you’re not supposed to kill him before I get my information,” I remind him, placing my hand on his shoulder. Orion wheels around with a wildlook in his eye, holding his bloodied knife to my throat like I taught him.
“Make one move, and I’ll gut you.Calm. Down.”
The fog in Orion’s eyes clears, and he blinks down at my dagger tip pressed against his sternum. “Shit. I didn’t realize that was there.”
I roll my eyes, pocketing my dagger as Orion lowers his arm. “That’s because you let your emotions get to you. You’re not thinking. You need to breathe. Donotlet the bloodlust win.”
Orion nods, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand. “Sorry. Let me try again?”
I look over his shoulder at Xander, barely holding on by a thread as it is. “Maybe later. He can’t go through much more.”
Orion sighs, throws down his blade, and storms from the room. I roll my eyes, picking the blade up off the ground and walking over to Xander. I crouch in front of him, looking up at the mutilated mess that remains of his face. His ears and nose have been cut off, leaving several gaping holes in place of what were once handsome features. Blood oozes from several deep gashes along his torso and extremities, and with every small movement, more red drips to the concrete floor.
“Have you had enough,Xander?” I whisper, tilting his chin up so I can look him in the eyes. He peeks through flesh swollen to thin slits, and I know—I know I’ve broken him. He heard me and the boy talking. He knows Orion will keep coming back until he’s nothing but a useless, bloody stump. His last moments will be nothing but pure agony, whereas I can offer him salvation.
I can offer him a swift death.
Xander closes his eyes and nods, his shoulders slumping inward.
“Good,” I murmur, standing back up. “Who ordered you to kill the girl?”
Even now, it looks like Xander will resist. But after another moment of thought, he sighs dejectedly. “We got the order from high up.” He raises his head, struggling to open those slits. “Madam herself.”
My heart skips, but I keep my posture rigid, refusing to show emotion to this slug. “Why? What’s so important about Brett?”
Xander throws his head back, hacking a wet, rattling laugh. “And I thought Phantoms were supposed to know everything. You guys are a bunch of frauds.”
I shake my head, clenching my fist around the hilt of my dagger. “Tell me, Xander.”