“I think you can.” She inches closer.

I stare at the sweater again, then at her lips. And I lean in. “Fuck it, for you I’ll do it.” Our lips meet in an instant.

I’ve never been one for PDA’s—yeah, I’mthatguy—but, with Zoe, I can’t keep my hands off her. At this point, I don’t really care who’s around, so I keep kissing her. Until a familiar coughinterrupts us.

“Guests will be arriving soon,” my mother says.

Guests? How big of a party did they plan? An hour or so later, I find out a pretty damn big one. The house is alive with friends of my parents from the club, and community. My mother doesn’t do small intimate affairs. ‘Go big or go home’ is her motto.

Everyone is having a great time in an ugly sweater, and I glance around looking for the one person responsible for it all. Zoe. Her sweater takes place in outer space with kittens wearing Santa hats and eating pizza. It’s god awful. How she can look so beautiful in such an ugly sweater is beyond me.

“Graham, haven’t seen you around in a long time,” Mr. Vesterlane, Trudy’s father, says.

His sweater is atrocious. A fuzzy reindeer protruding from his belly bumps me as I shake his hand. “I’ve been busy with the resort, sir.”

His brow rises. “Quite a spunky little fiancée you have.”

“Yes, she sure is.” It comes out like I’m talking about her spunk in the bedroom, but I don’t care. She is spunky, both in and out of it.

He walks away after patting me on the shoulder, and I can’t say that I miss him. I know the Vesterlanes aren’t happy I came home with a fiancée on my arm. Mr. Vesterlane has been trying to get his hands on my resort for a long time. And if I marry his daughter, that’s one step closer to his hands in my business.

My mother saunters over in a gaudy green cardigan dripping with garland and tiny ornaments, still managing to somehow look couture. “You must really love this girl if you’re willingto wear that in public.” She points to the Santa sweater I’m wearing, like she has any room to talk.

I laugh. “I guess I do.”

My mother lifts her champagne to her lips and takes a sip. “The Vesterlanes won’t be happy about this.”

I face my mother. “Who would you rather see happy? The Vesterlanes or me?” I walk away and head straight for the bar. I grab a bourbon, and then I spot Zoe heading right for me.

“You look upset,” she says, concerned.

I throw an arm around her shoulders, putting on a show, but not really. “I’m great now that you’re here.” I lean in to kiss her. “Want to get out of here?”

She nods.

I know this is her event, but my mother always plays the gracious hostess, and I doubt anyone will even miss us.

After grabbing our coats, we slip out the back door, and I fire up the SUV and speed away before anyone even notices we’re missing.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“Not far.” I turn onto the gravel road that leads down to the lake. “I want to show you something.” My headlights illuminate the frozen lake as I park along the riverbank. I cut the engine and step out into the cold stillness.

She exits the car as well, and I grab two lanterns and a blanket from the back of the SUV, meeting her on the other side. “This way,” I say, taking her hand.

Her warm tiny hand fits so perfectly in mine.

“Where are we going?” she asks as I lead her into a wooded area.

“You’ll see.” I squeeze her hand as we walk just a bit further until what I want to share with her comes into view.

“What is that?” Zoe asks, peering with wonder at the old deserted house.

“Isn’t it cool?”

I open the door, following in after Zoe.

“Wow.” She spins around, slowly, taking in all the wood detailing and carvings.