Old money, I guess. Elite eccentricities I’ve never been privy to in my life. Like helicopters and helipads. Because that’s where Graham pulls in and parks— a helipad.

“My parent’s vacation house is a bit hard to reach after a heavy snowfall,” he says as if we just pulled into a gas station.

I point to the white helicopter, its blades already spinning. “We’re going in that?”

“Yeah, we are.” He turns to face me before we head over. “You’re not afraid to fly, are you?”

I shake my head, hoping the fear of flying falls away as I keep shaking. “No, no. I’m pretty sure the pilot knows what he’s doing.”

Graham laughs, softly. “He sure does.”

And the joke’s on me, because as soon as we get to the chopper, the man in the front gets out. “It’s all ready for you,” he screams over the roar of the blades. “And you'll have a vehicle waiting for you at your parent's house when you land.”

Graham nods before helping me inside the chopper. He takes the headset from the man and climbs into the pilot’s seat.

Remember how I said it was all easy before? Like taking cake from a baby, or whatever idiotic thing I said, well, I’m terrified now. This is real. What kind of house do you travel to by helicopter? Who are these people? Is there going to be a red room when I get there?

I try to smile as Graham hands me a headset, but my nerves get the best of me. “Are you sure you know how to fly?”

His sensual lips curve slowly into a smile. “I’ve seen a lot of movies.” He grabs the control stick. “I think I just wiggle this thing around.”

His humor isn’t funny at a moment like this, and he must sense I’m about to jump out, because he reaches his hand across, and gently squeezes my knee. “Relax,” he soothes, “I wouldn’t let anything hurt you.”

I believe the sincerity on his face and take a deep breath, or at least I try to, and the nausea settles a bit.

And then the helicopter leaves the Earth. The ground below gets further and further away, and I keep my eyes glued on it, watching the helipad get smaller and smaller.

“You doing ok?” Graham’s voice fills my headset.

I glance over and force a smile. “Define ok.”

He laughs. The intoxicating sound relaxes me. I mean, if he can laugh we’re obviously not crashing to our deaths. I finally look out the front window, watching the trees in the distance get closer as he flies us over snow-covered pine trees.

It’s really kind of beautiful up here.

He navigates between a gap in the mountain, racing through the skies, and I relax a little more. It’s actually kind of freeing up here. I could get used to this. I could get really used to experiencing new things with him.

But, I remember why I’m here, and let those thoughts go. After a few more minutes, Graham points to a speck of a cabin in a clearing.

And as we get closer, I realize the wordcabinis too tiny for what we’re approaching. The place is massive, sprawling across the land like a wooden castle. Glass windows cover three-quarters of the house, and it’s stunning.

“You grew up here?” I ask.

“No, my parents bought this after we moved out.”


He laughs. “My sister, Lindsey and me.”

“Ah, will she be here as well?”

“I’m not sure. She has two kids, and a great husband, but sometimes they spend it with his family.”

“The little girl from the mall?”

He nods. It’s hard to imagine Graham attached to people. That came out wrong. It’s hard to picture him as anything...normal. Or human. Because all of this has been a whirlwind, with no time to process.

“Won’t she recognize me?”