I head to bed, and after tossing and turning half the night, finally pass out.
The next morning, I get the ok from the highway patrol that the roads are open.
“You ready to get this show on the road?” I ask Zoe after she opens the door.
“Sure.” She’s dressed in a baggy off-white sweater with dark, skinny jeans and the same calf-high boots she wore yesterday. Never knew boots could be so sexy, but these are.
Once the Range Rover is loaded, and my fake fiancée is buckled in, I head off down the road.
I wish I could say I hated everything about this, but I’m actually kind of enjoying it. Which is probably not a good thing. But, I’ve always been a little bad. I’ll just have to keep my hands to myself. Easiest deal I’ve ever made.
Chapter 6
My grandmother, Lila, used to tell me something every year when I’d visit her for the summers. We’d sit on her porch, molding candles, and she’d look over at me and say, ‘Zoe, you can’t wait for things to happen. You have tomakethem happen.’
I remind myself of that as I scan the jewelry shop—I’m just making things happen.
I’m sure she didn’t mean try to land a soap contract this way, but it’s too late to take it back now.
What’s the big deal, though? I spend a few days at home with his family and he puts my soaps in his resort? Like this is easy. Too easy. Mothers usually love me. And I already like having sex with her son, so this should be a breeze. And oddly enough, I feel comfortable around him. I mean, we’ve seen each other naked, there’s nothing that strips away the pretenses more than that.I’m sure Granny is haunting this shop right now, shaking her head at my justifications.
The glass cases lining the rectangular shop are filled with stunning rings of every shape and size. Graham guides me closer, and I swear every diamond in here is judging me.
I’m sure his mother expects status and a diamond that eclipses the moon, but I feel guilty taking a ring from him for a fake relationship.
Maybe his friend will just let him borrow it?
“Graham,” a distinguished gentleman, wearing a black suit and bow tie, calls out in a regal voice. I almost feel like curtseying. He steps from behind the counter, and his blue eyes give me a once over before he reaches out and embraces Graham into a hug.
“Charles, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Zoe,” Graham introduces us.
“Fiancée?” Charles’ eyebrows shoot up to his receding hairline. “So, you’re the one who finally got him to put a ring on it,” he says to me.
“Well, not yet.” I hold up my empty ring finger in an awkward attempt to be funny.
Graham’s hand slides onto my lower back, searing me through my sweater. “Let’s find you a ring, Dear.”
“Let me get my special reserve from the vault,” Charles offers. “I’ll be right back.”
When he is out of sight, I whisper to Graham, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but could you pick a different pet name?”
His brow furrows. “What do you mean?”
“My father used to call my mother ‘dear’ and it always sounded so patronizing. If we’re going to pretend, I want something sexy like baby.”
He gives me a sultry grin and then sends a jolt of electricity to every fragment of my DNA when he says, “We can do that, Baby.”
“Yes,” I whisper, taken aback by how much I like it, “perfect.”
His eyes drop to my mouth, and I fight the urge to grab him and make him kiss me while he murmurs baby against my lips. I like it that much.
“Let me show you these,” Charles says, bringing out three rings, which I’m sure all cost more than my apartment.
I lean closer to Graham, breathing in his scent as I say, “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”
“Pick one.”