I trembled with the receding spasms of my orgasm. Agor cradled me in his arms, and I relaxed against him, with our bodies merged in a comfortable fit.
Since I first bedded a man years ago, a healer inserted a star pebble in my womb to prevent any man from impregnating me until I was ready to start a family. I hadn’t removed the pebble yet. There was no need for it.
For one, Agor and I still weren’t officially married.
I’d moved into his home in the keep a few days after our victory over Farod. First, I’d made sure that Faeena was well on the mend from the blow of the rock to her head. Then, several orcs from the keep had volunteered to stay in the human settlement to guard it, allowing me to move out without concerns for my people’s safety. But even after moving in with Agor, I’d been reluctant to sign off my freedom to anyone, even to the orc whom I loved with all my heart. Because once lost, freedom was hard to regain.
Living with Agor all these months, however, proved to me that he respected me as an individual just as much as he loved me as a woman. With him, I remained free to be myself.
The other reason why I wasn’t in a hurry to get rid of my star pebble was that we felt no pressure to produce an heir.
The bog orcs’ Head Chief wasn’t born into his position. Anyone could fight for and win it. For now, it didn’t feel like anything was missing in our life. If I had to spend the rest of my days with only Agor and our dogs as a family, it’d be absolutely fine with me. Agor also said he was happy with the way things were. We’d been enjoying each other too much to change anything, at least for the time being.
“If we count all the ones from last night, it was my eleventh orgasm,” I murmured, smiling in the early morning sunlight. “You’re so close to getting all your piercings back, honey.”
With me finally saying “yes” to him, Agor came up with another meaning for his collection of fogbird bone piercings. He decided to keep track of my orgasms instead, determined to give me a full dozen in one night. Ever since, he’d been coming closer and closer to that goal of his.
He kissed my hair.
“I’d make you come again right now, sweetheart, but you have an alligator to wrestle.”
“I do.” I stretched through my entire body, letting him finally slip out of me.
“Let’s clean up. Then, you need to have breakfast and warm up. Those beasts are nasty.”
I’d been training all through the past winter and spring, getting ready to face the man-eating monster as a challenge in a contest for the position of a general in Agor’s army.
The purple crested alligators lived in the southern parts of the wetlands, preferring warmer waters. In the summer, however, they often made it all the way up here in search of new prey. Huge and ruthless, they terrorized the local wildlife and hunted humans and orcs alike.
I felt nervous, apprehensive, but ready. Getting an orgasm before facing the beast was a good idea on Agor’s part. It relaxed me a little, taking the edge off the apprehension.
“Let’s do it, then, chief.” I jumped out of bed to let Dumpling in while Agor prepared a bath.
Almost fully grown now, my dog reached up to my waist, but he remained very much a puppy at heart. Agor insisted that Dumpling should spend nights outside with his mother, guarding our house in the keep. During the day, however, I often let him nap in our bed, despite Agor’s grumbles that I was “spoiling” the dog.
“And how is my favorite little puppy this morning?” I petted Dumpling’s head, and he licked my nose, making me laugh. “I love you, too, sweetie.” I went to change the bedding and make the bed.
“Are you talking to me?” Agor hugged me from behind as I bent over the bed.
I giggled, turning around to place a kiss on his nose.
“Sure,sweetie. I love you too.”
THE POPULATION OF THEentire keep appeared to have gathered on the muddy banks of a wide pond today. Several creeks flowed into the pond, making it wide and deep enough to house the giant monster like the purple crested alligator. A lot of people arrived from the human settlement too.
Since our joint victory over Farod nine months ago, many things had changed for the better.
For the first time in so many years, my people had truly settled. We’d been building big, sturdy houses now, turning a caravan of wagons into a proper village with a schoolhouse and a workshop. With the help of the orcs, we had considerably strengthened the fence as well. Karut also proved to be shrewdand charismatic enough to sweet-talk our elders into building a tavern.
Gleb, Faeena, and their daughters sat on a fallen log in a dry patch nearby. Since I’d moved to Agor’s house in the orcs’ keep, Gleb had taken over the security of the humans’ village as the leader of the guards.
“Good luck, Becca!” Faeena and the girls shouted and waved at me in encouragement.
Nacy raised her mace at me in greeting. “You can do it!”
Her other hand was cradled between Ilya’s palms. Ever since she’d taken his hand during the attack of Farod, she didn’t seem to let go of it. Nacy and Ilya had been officially dating for months now. As a present for his girlfriend, Ilya had carved pretty designs in her battle axe handle. Nacy now had the prettiest weapon in the entire keep, if not in the whole of the wetlands.
Granny Magra rubbed her hands together, taking a place on an old tree stump.