“We came for the wedding.” She smiled, cocking her hip.
“What wedding?” Becca stared at her in confusion as did other humans.
“For the celebration,” Grat corrected.
“But what celebration?” Becca asked. “What were you planning to celebrate here?”
“The chief left the keep almost two days ago. He was supposed to return yesterday morning, but he didn’t,” Nacy explained. “We figured you must’ve finally said yes.”
“And if so, it meant a celebration was in order.” Grat grinned.
“No one wants to miss a party, right?” Karut chimed in, adjusting the flowers threaded through his beard. “We brought the ale and everything.” He gestured over to the forest edge where they must’ve left the barrels after realizing that the settlement was under attack.
Becca stared at him wide-eyed. I’d had no chance to tell her that my entire keep knew about my courting her. Everyone hadbeen rooting for us and helping me with suggestions for the mating presents for her.
Grat surveyed the sorry state of his fancy shirt. “We didn’t expect to fight. But when we saw them attacking your settlement, we had to step in. We couldn’t let them kill the bride before the wedding.”
“But there is no wedding.” Becca glanced from him to me, then back to him again.
I couldn’t think of a better moment to sink down on one knee in front of her.
She squeaked, pressing the huge orc-made sword she’d wielded to her chest. My brave warrior woman blushed violently, looking lost and almost frightful.
“Becca, sweetheart.” I placed my hands on each side of her hips to steady her. “Come with me this time. Please share my home and my life with me.”
“I... I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking from me. What do you want me to be?” She looked around, as if searching for an answer.
I held her firmly. I simply couldn’t let her go.
“I want you to come to the keep with me. Be my bride, my wife, my friend, my partner on a battlefield, my lover in my bed. Be anything you want to be. Be my everything. Just be with me. For as long as we shall live.”
She stared at me.
“You want to marry me?”
“There is nothing I want more.”
“And your people?” She glanced cautiously at the orcs gathering around us. “Don’t you want your High Chief to marry an orc instead?”
Grat grunted.
“You fight like an orc.” He shrugged.
Karut spat on the ground. “Far be it from me to tell the High Chief who to bed or who to marry. I’m no fucking matchmaker.”
Nacy pressed both her hands to her chest, the one still holding the human boy’s hand captive. “The chief is clearly in love with you, Becca. He’s been pining after you ever since you ran away.”
I cleared my throat, needing to set things straight.
“Notpining. But...” I looked at Becca’s face and could no longer deny it, “I am in love with you.”
“Love is a dangerous thing,” she said softly. “A loved one can easily rip your heart out and stomp on it.”
“True. But it works both ways. I’m risking the same things you are. My heart is already yours, sweetheart. You can toss it to the ground and stomp on it all you want. Or you can keep it and let me earn yours in return.”
“I’m scared,” she whispered for only me to hear.
She looked terrified but also...hopeful. Like she was presented with a gorgeous butterfly she wished to keep but feared it’d fly away the moment she’d reach for it.