Page 44 of Agor

She grabbed a couple of pillows from the bed, then closed the curtain, making sure no gaps were left. She then came back to me and dropped the pillows at my feet.

“Let’s see how good of a boyyouare, High Chief.” Biting her lip, she slipped her fingers under my belt and found the laces of my pants behind it.

An image of her kneeling in front of me with her mouth wrapped around my cock sent a shudder of anticipation through my entire body.

“Becca.” I lurched forward, grabbing her arms.

“Keep your hands off me, Chief Agor,” she tsked at me, raising a finger. A smile played on her lips, but her voice was commanding and firm.

Excitement burst inside me, then spread with intense heat through my groin. I removed my hands from her, then lifted them in a disarming gesture, thrilled to find out what she’d do next.

“That’s better,” she murmured with satisfaction, then took off the belt from around my arm and slid the sheath with my hunting knife off it. “Now, take your shirt off.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked, burning with curiosity. This woman always left me guessing, which made everything that much more exciting.

“Shh. Too much talking, my sweet orc. Take it off. Or I will cut it off you, which would be a shame because this is a really nice shirt.”

She said it like she meant it, and a part of me wanted to take her up on it and make her cut it off me again. Except that showing up back at the keep with my clothes in tatters would cause questions I didn’t want to answer. So, I lifted my arms and pulled my shirt off over my head.

A sweet smile was her reward for me.

“Good boy,” she murmured so close to my bare chest, her breath fanned over my skin, tickling between my chest hair.

After making a noose on one end of my arm belt, she put it on my wrist, then walked around my back. She looped the beltaround my other wrist several times, bringing my arms together behind my back, then pressed the end of the belt into my palm.

“Hold it and don’t let go until I tell you,” she ordered sternly.

“What will happen if I don’t listen?”

No one ever dared order me around like that. The fact that she felt comfortable enough to do it thrilled me because it meant she trusted me fully. She wasn’t afraid of me.

“Then, I’ll be very, very displeased.” She bit my bicep hard enough for me to suck a breath in through my teeth. “Now...” She walked around to my front again and reached for the laces of my pants. “Where were we?” She unlaced my pants and let my cock spring out. “There you are,” she cooed, taking it in her both hands. “Oh, how I missed you.”

“You missedhim, notme?” I groaned in pleasure from the touch of her light little fingers.

“Aww, don’t be jealous, High Chief,” she chuckled, running her fingers along the row of piercings on the underside of my shaft. “One, two, three...” she counted. “There are only four here now. What happened to the rest of your virgin trophies?”

I’d since removed most of the precious fogbird bones, after deciding to assign a different meaning to them.

“They no longer represent the virgins,” I explained.

“Really? What do they represent now?”

“The number of times you’ve refused me.”

“Has it been four times already?”

I shrugged. “Four or five, I’ve lost track. But four bones are better for my self-esteem than five.”

She still hadn’t agreed to move to my home with me. Would I have to add another bar tomorrow?

A dreamy smile played on her lips as she slid her fingers along my straining cock all the way to the weeping tip and smeared the emerald drops of my seed over its crown in a circle.

“What if you run out of space? It’s not like you can grow a longer dick. It’s already massive as it is.”

“I—” I threw back my head, shutting my eyes tightly for a moment. Desire coursed like fire through my veins, making both my skull and my cock throb. “I’m determined to get a yes out of you before that happens.”

She stroked my chest next, and my cock immediately missed her hands.