“Oh, come on! Why not?”
“Ash is one of my best friends,” Jack snapped. “He doesn’t like people to know about it, so I’m not going to tell you. If you’re still curious, then you’re welcome to ask him yourself.”
Jack rose and carried his tray over to the trash can. My appetite was gone, so I got up and did the same, then met him outside.
When everyone else was done, we climbed back on our vehicles and drove back the way we had come, eventually turning down a new path that emerged on the open foothills of the mountain. But as soon as we stopped to regroup, there was a problem: my ATV engine sputtered out. When I tried turning it back on, nothing happened.
“What’d you do to it?” Jack asked.
“Nothing!” I replied.
After a few minutes of tinkering, Jack shook his head. “It’s the damn fuel pump. Not your fault.”
“Thanks for admitting I didn’t cause this,” I grumbled.
Jack scratched his dark beard and looked around. “You’ll have to share with someone else for the ride home.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” I said. “I prefer having my own vehicle.”
“Your vehicle is broken,” Jack said dryly. “You have two options. Double-up with one of us for the rest of the tour. Or wait here until I can come pick up the ATV later. But you’ll probably be waiting two hours. Maybe three.”
I glanced at the other solo rider, the guy who seemed kind of creepy. I didn’t want to ride with him, and I definitely didn’t want to sit around for three hours waiting to be picked up.
Which meant my only option…
I climbed onto Jack’s ATV and buckled the harness over my thighs. Jack checked them, then hopped onto the seat behind me. There was room for two, but I was pressed firmly against his body—his thighs surrounded mine on either side, and his arms folded over me to grip the handlebars.
“You all right?” he asked, his breath warm on my neck.
This was just like when Noah showed me how to kayak, except in a totally different context: I had slept with Noah when we got this close, while Jack and I were barely even friendly with each other. It was decidedly awkward.
“I’m fine,” I said. “Let’s go.”
“Let me know if I go too fast,” he said.
Before I could reply, he shot away at breakneck speed. His ATV had a lot more power than mine, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. We soared down a hill, up the other side, then made a sharp turn at the top. I wanted to let out a yelp of fear, but I didn’t want Jack to think I was a wimp. It shouldn’t have mattered, but for some reason I cared what he thought about me.
My fear soon ebbed as I began trusting Jack. He was a professional and knew what he was doing; I was safer with him than I was riding by myself. And when I stopped being afraid, I was free to enjoy how thrilling the ride was. Jack was able to maneuver the ATV in ways I couldn’t, zig-zagging along the terrain and even ramping up little bumps whenever we came across them. Soon I was laughing excitedly as we soared along the hilly terrain.
“Doing okay?” he asked over the wind in my ears.
“I’m great!” I shouted back.
Jack took that as a challenge, and throttled the vehicle even faster than before. That speed pressed my body back into his, like a hand in a glove. The bumps were causing some friction, something I ignored at first…
…until I felt something pressing firmly into my backside.
Oh my God. Jack had a hard-on.
Once I was aware of it, it was impossible to ignore. A stiff rod inside his jeans, distinct from the muscle of his thigh. That was his cock. His hard cock, rubbing against me with every bump we drove over.
Logically, I knew he couldn’t help it, any more than I could help being turned on by the vibrating engine between my legs. But the illogical part of my brain blamed him, insisting this was something he had orchestrated.
Except… I didn’t really mind.
As Jack revved the engine, I felt safe with his body surrounding me. We soared over one hill, picking up speed as we cruised down the other side, thrilling me in more ways than one. The rumbling engine, the strong man’s body pressed against mine, it was impossiblenotto be turned on. As much as Jack frustrated me, he was undeniably sexy. Maybe that’s why he annoyed me so much: Iwantedto like him in spite of his abrasive exterior.
His cock remained a white-hot reminder of him, pressed firmly against my backside for the rest of the ride.