Realizing I was in my bra and panties, I ducked away from the window so he wouldn’t see me. But I continued to watch as he brought the tree over to a workbench down in a clearing next to a fire pit. There was a toolbox and a variety of long blades that appeared to be made for woodworking. Now that he was closer, I could see the mounds and valleys of Ash’s muscular body in perfect contrast. He was covered in corded muscle, the functional kind that came from manual labor rather than vanity muscles earned in a gym. Even his thighs were as thick as tree trunks, pressing tightly against his faded jeans. The combination of his physique and tattoos stirred something deep in my stomach. I couldn’t look away.
I practically jumped out of my panties as Noah touched me on the back.
“Jesus, you almost gave me a heart attack!”
“I said your name three times.” He gave me a gentle kiss on the back of the neck. “What’s got you so transfixed?”
I wasn’t sure what to say, so Noah peered out the window and chuckled.
“Ash camps on my land sometimes.” He pointed to the right, where an olive tent was pitched by the river. “Sorry, I should have warned you. It probably terrified you waking up and seeing him wandering around outside like an ax murderer.”
“Yeah, I was terrified,” I said, covering the fact that I had been admiring how good the huge man looked. “Why does he sleep in a tent instead of using one of your guest bedrooms?”
Noah chuckled. “Ash has a whole lifetime of trust issues. He doesn’t like relying on anyone. It took months just to convince him tocampon my property. Jackie and I hope we can get him to accept a bedroom by the time winter rolls around.”
Ash placed the tree on the workbench and began using a tool to strip away the bark.
“Why does he have trust issues?”
“You don’t want to know,” Noah muttered. “But if you ever do, you can try asking him. He usually won’t talk about it, but since he loaned you his favorite bike, maybe he’ll open up.”
“I think I’ll avoid prying into his life. I don’t want to piss off a guy like him.”
“I know Ash is the size of a mountain, but despite how he looks and his scary history, he’s harmless.”
“Scary history?” I asked.
Noah blinked, and it was obvious he didn’t mean to reveal that much, even though he was vague. “I didn’t mean it like that. But you have no reason to be afraid of him. I promise.”
“I will take your word for it, rather than finding out myself.” I turned away from the window, fully appreciating that a shirtless Noah was standing next to me. “Good morning.”
He slid an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. “Good morning to you, too. You look stunning.”
His kiss was soft and perfect, especially the way he pulled me against his firm chest, his skin instantly warming mine.
“Now that it’s the next day, do you regret bending your rules last night?” I asked, tensing for the answer.
Fortunately, Noah shook his head. “Zero regrets. Last night was too amazing to feel bad about. Not that I would regret it if the sex was less good, I mean, but… what I’m trying to say—”
I shut him up with a soft kiss. “You’re ruining the moment. But you get a freebie because you’re so cute.”
“I’ll take it.” His smile faded. “Now for the bad news.”
“Why does there have to be bad news? You’re not married, are you?”
“I’m working two shifts at the Ouray clinic. I’ll be gone for three days.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “That’s exactly what someone with a secret family in Ouray would say.”
Noah’s laugh was light and carefree. “No secret wife, no secret family. Just some volunteer shifts in a town without any real medical facilities.”
“We had an amazing night, and now you’re leaving? Please tell me there’s some good news.”
His eyes brightened. “There is! I don’t leave until tonight. If you don’t have any plans, we can spend the day together.”
I glanced at the bed and immediately began fantasizing about spending the day here with Noah. “Let me check my schedule—oh, right, I don’t have anything to do until my ankle heals. What did you have in mind?”