“Do you have any other recommendations?” I asked Theresa.
“Well, sure, but they’re a lot more expensive.”
“So you told her my cabins are cheap?” Jack demanded.
Theresa was still smiling like we were all good friends. “Why, of course not! But I told her I could get her a good rate, since you owe me a favor.”
“I repaid you for that spare tire,” Jack protested.
Theresa aimed a finger at him. “You did, but you still owe me for replacing the mini-split unit on the Green Cabin.”
Jack winced. “That’s a big favor. You’re calling it in forher?”
“Sure am! Looks like the Orange and Indigo Cabins are open.”
“Then we’re square?” Jack asked.
“I don’t want to stay here,” I interrupted.
“Then we’re square.” Theresa turned to me. “Jack’s a grump, but I can promise he’s harmless. I need to get home to tuck my boys in before bed, but you have my number if you need anything else! Make sure you’re nice to her, Jack.”
“Who’s going to make suresheis nice tome?”he muttered.
Theresa giggled like it was all a joke, then hopped into her Jeep and drove away.
Jack and I stared at each other from ten feet away.
“Luxury cabins?” I asked. “I wouldn’t have guessed you work in the hospitality industry.”
He scratched into the dark hairs of his thin beard. “Wasn’t my idea. Do you want to stay here or not?”
“Has anyone ever told you that you look like Wolverine?” I said.
“Hugh Jackman’s a good-looking guy. That’s a compliment.”
“I didn’t say Hugh Jackman,” I clarified. “I said Wolverine. All the grumpy, annoying qualities without any of the Hugh Jackman charm.”
He gritted his teeth, adding to the likeness. “You can have the Indigo Cabin.”
“I don’t want—”
“For free,” he added.
I gave a start. He now had my complete attention. “Doctor Noah said it’ll be a week before I can hike again. You’re seriously going to let me stay here and not charge anything?”
“Sure,” he replied with a sickly-sweet smile that warned me his intentions weren’t pure. “Under one condition.”
“There it is.”
“You ask nicely,” he said. “And sayplease.”
“Oh come on! You can’t be serious.”
“I’m as serious as a rolled ankle at thirteen thousand feet. All you have to do is ask me to stay here. Without any attitude.”
He crossed his strong arms over his chest and waited.
It was such a small thing. A single sentence, maybe two, with a dose of humility on top. Then I would have a place to stay, for free, until I was healthy enough to leave this town.