Noah: That’s actually a topic I’m not comfortable discussing. Ash is my best friend and it’s not my place to tell you about his history. I hope you understand.

Me: No, of course I do! I was just curious. I definitely don’t want you to violate your friend’s trust. Forget I asked.

Despite striking out with the Ash question, chatting with Noah had me grinning like an idiot. I had another date today! Noah was definitely more my type than Jack. Whatever it was I felt yesterday was fleeting. A little bit of lust caused by unavoidable friction on the ATV.

I was still mildly embarrassed though, so I watched out my window until Jack was gone before hopping on the bike and riding into town. I bought two sandwiches and chips from a nice little shop, then went next door to a bakery to get an enormous chocolate chip cookie for us to share.

But when I got back to camp, I realized I was too impatient to wait. I changed into the clothes I would need for kayaking, then left to ride my bike to Noah’s house.

And nearly crashed right into Jack on the way.

I skidded to a stop next to the main building, where Jack had suddenly stepped out without warning, brandishing an ax. “Shit,” I hissed.

Jack blinked at me. “Probably shouldn’t ride so fast in camp. I always warn the kids about that, but I didn’t think a grown woman needed to be told.”

His lip twitched in a quarter of a smile. Hardly worth writing home about. But the hint of humor annoyed me today. It felt like he knew what was going through my head, knew that I’d had sexy thoughts about him last night and was laughing at me.

“Sorry, I was in a hurry,” I said. “I’m meeting Noah.”

Jack lowered the ax. “Noah’s in Ouray.”

“He gets back soon,” I replied smugly. “We’re going kayaking.”

Without taking his eyes off me, Jack raised the ax and swung it to the side, burying it into the chopping block next to the building. “I don’t remember asking for your itinerary today, but all right. Have fun.”

I snorted in annoyance, then started riding again. When I looked over my shoulder at the edge of camp, Jack was standing right where I left him, staring in my direction.

Was I too harsh with him, throwing my date in his face? I couldn’t tell. It shouldn’t have bothered him, anyway. Noah was a grown man who could do whatever he wanted, even if Jack didn’t approve for some reason.

I pulled up to Noah’s house and climbed off the bike. He wasn’t home yet; I was a little early. I was kind of hoping to run into Ash, but his pickup truck was gone as well. Maybe I didn’t have the courage to outright ask him, but the curiosity waskilling me. What had he done to end up in prison?

I didn’t have to wait long before Noah’s 4Runner came up the driveway and stopped in front of the house. He looked more beautiful than I remembered as he hopped out of the car, a huge grin on his face.

“I thought I was picking you up.”

“Got tired of waiting.”

Yet as he collected his bag and walked up the porch, I was struck with self-doubt. Maybe I was coming on too strong. Men didn’t like women who were clingy; you had to playthe gamewith them, pretending like you were only half-interested. They got bored if you came on too strong.

All my doubts disappeared when Noah dropped his bag, pushed me up against the wall, and crushed his lips against mine. I surrendered to his searching tongue, as hungry for me as I was for him, my own emotions reflected back at me like a sexy mirror.

“I like that you were waiting,” he said, glancing down at my lips. “I drove faster than I usually do because I wanted to get here quicker.”

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you left,” I breathed. “Take me to bed.”

“I need a shower first,” he replied, walking into the house. I followed, pausing at the base of the steps while he climbed.

He glanced down at me. “Are you coming?”

Letting out a giggle, I hurried up the stairs after him. Into his bedroom we went, forgoing the bed for the bathroom. The water came on, steam rising into the air immediately. Noah’s fingers worked quickly on my clothes until I was bare before him, then he playfully shoved me into the walk-in shower.

I watched him strip his shirt and pants, then eagerly follow me. His hands were on me in an instant, sliding and searching and squeezing even as his lips found mine again.

“I’ve been thinking about you, too,” he whispered.


“The memory of you was enough for me to get myself off last night,” he said, smiling against my lips.