As soon as we got back to the campsite, Jack hopped off the vehicle and started barking orders. I stole a glance at his jeans—there was a noticeable bulge at the front, which he quickly covered by holding his helmet a certain way.

“Thanks for the tour,” I told him, my pulse still racing from the ride. “That was a lot of fun.”

“Yeah, sure,” he replied, never looking at me.

So that’s how it’s going to be.



I thought about Jack for the rest of the evening. It was nice of him to invite me on the tour at all, like he was genuinely trying to extend an olive branch. He had saidplease, for crying out loud. I never would have thought him capable of that even a few days ago.

When I changed for bed, I caught a whiff of his scent on my shirt—the one I’d been wearing on the four-wheeler. I tossed it in the basket next to my other dirty clothes, then crawled under the covers and turned out the light.

But I couldn’t go to sleep.

Eventually, I reached over and pulled the shirt out. I hesitated a few seconds, then inhaled deeply. His scent was still there, faint but distinctly recognizable. Neurons in my brain fired up, exciting me like I was shooting across the hills at forty miles per hour again.

Unable to stop myself, I closed my eyes and let my fingers drift into my pajama pants. I imagined I was on the ATV again, enveloped between Jack’s strong arms while he guided us along the terrain, totally in control. I surrendered to that same feeling, trusting him to keep me safe. That feeling turned me on even more.

I was swollen with need when I finally touched myself. Jack’s scent mixed with my memory, taking me back to the events of the day. He was behind me, my back pressed against his chest and his crotch against my ass. And then, with the magic instantaneousness that came from the mind, neither of us were wearing clothes. No fabric between us—just skin on skin, hot and eager.

I groaned as he drove into me from behind. His cock was thick and filled me perfectly, drawing hungry little gasps from my lips with every ragged thrust. He let out a rumbling groan of his own, breath hot on my ear. I pushed my ass back, meeting him halfway with every stroke, desperate for him.

“Melissa,” he moaned deeply, tightening an arm around my chest.

“Yes,” I breathed. “Yes, oh yes,yes!”

His bicep clenched against my breast. “Oh fuck!”

The two of us exploded together, a supernova of light and sound. His cry of ecstasy drowned out my own as he shuddered inside of me with sweet release, and I clamped down around him to make sure he didn’t pull out.

I was panting in bed when I finally opened my eyes. I removed the shirt from my nose so I could breathe easier; I had been holding it against my face the whole time, hungry for the ghost of his scent.

Oh myGod, that was good. I rarely came very hard when I touched myself, but that was powerful—almost as strong as the real thing.


Do I like Jack?I wondered as I drifted to sleep.

I felt weird about it the next morning. I made my coffee and went to the window; Jack was doing chores over by the main building, tight jeans hugging his powerful legs perfectly, lines of corded muscle standing out on his arms in the sharp morning sunlight.

I didn’t want him to see me, so I drank my coffee inside rather than on the porch. That’s when I remembered I had another male interest in my life.

Me: Good morning! What time do you get back today?

Noah: Hello there! I’m actually leaving in five minutes. I’ll be home around noon.

Noah: I have to admit: getting a text from you put a smile on my face.

Me: I have to admit that seeing you will put a smile on MY face. It’s a beautiful day to kayak, if you’re interested. I can pack us a picnic lunch.

Noah: You had me at beautiful day. It’s a date! I’ll pick you up from camp around 12:15.

Me: Hey, by the way: I just learned about Ash going to prison. What did he do, if you don’t mind me asking?

It took Noah a while to answer. The three little dots appeared to show he was replying, then disappeared, then came back. That happened about eight times before his response finally came.