Page 23 of Crossover

I kept my voice low and urgent. “If you run into that building or alert anyone that we’re here, they might kill her.”

The woman’s breath came in short, panicked gasps.

I placed my mouth close to her ear, my words barely audible over the pouring rain.

“My name is Grayson. I’m Ivy’s friend, and I’m here to get her back. She was taken against her will. To save her, I need you to trust me. Stay calm and keep away from the building. Can you do that for Ivy?”

She mumbled something beneath my palm, tears mingling with the raindrops on her face.

“I’m going to remove my hand now,” I said softly. “Don’t scream, okay?”

Another nod.

I released her slowly, ready to silence her again if I had to.

She gulped air like she’d been underwater, then choked out, “He said he’ll kill her if I don’t show up.”

“Who said that?”

“My ex-boyfriend, Steve. He has her, and he said…” A sob cut her off.


“Does Steve work for the CIA?” I asked.

She wiped a fresh waterfall of rain off her face. “CIA?”

Based on herwhat in the hell are you talking abouttone, the answer was either no or she had no knowledge of him being CIA. And what were the odds that two independent people in Ivy’s life would be CIA?

Answer: zero to none.

“What, exactly, did he say when he called you?” I pressed.

“He…” She sniffled. “He said, ‘I have Ivy, and if you ever want to see her alive, you’ll come to this address before it’s too late.’”

So help me, when I get my goddamned hands on Steve…

“Then what?” I managed through grinding teeth.

“I asked him what he was talking about, but he hung up on me, and I raced straight here.”

I’draced here from Hunter’s, and she arrived not too much later than me. How?

“You got here fast.”

“I’d been waiting at a nearby restaurant for Steve; he’d called yesterday and said he wanted to talk things out.”

More like move his pawn into position.

“Did he tell you anything else? Anything at all?”

“No.” Fresh sobs racked her body.

“Okay. I’m going in there, and I’m going to get your daughter. This is my brother.”

The woman’s gaze darted to Hunter, who lifted his mask briefly, offering a reassuring smile before sliding it back down.

I released her from my grip, hoping she would cooperate. I didn’t want my brothers to have to restrain her, but I would if it meant keeping her and Ivy safe.