“That’s never going to happen,” I repeated.
“I knew you’d need encouragement.” Daniel’s voice was a mixture of annoyance and offense.
My cell phone buzzed. Pulling it away from my ear to look at what he’d sent me, my heart sank.
It was a picture of Ivy wearing the same shirt she’d been wearing when I left her—one she’d borrowed from Luna. Which meant this picture was taken within the last couple of hours, and if that was true, Daniel had already penetrated our security defenses.
Based on the angle of the photo, Ivy was unaware the picture was being taken. She was not bound or blindfolded, nor did she have a gun to her head.
And I’d just spoken to her…
I urgently replayed our conversation, looking for any clues that she might’ve been under duress, but couldn’t find any. In fact, before I’d left, we’d come up with a code word to use in distress—Dad. A simple thing she could say to alert me to trouble. She hadn’t used it.
So, no, Daniel hadn’t abducted Ivy.
But someone had taken this photograph of her, and since Hunter’s security team would never allow a stranger close enough to capturethisimage, the conclusion was inescapable—Hunter’s security had been compromised.
The nondescript building on the west side of Chicago was the perfect location for a hit—its weathered facade blending seamlessly into the industrial landscape, far enough from the city to not draw unwanted attention.
My gaze swept around the streets for the millionth time, darting from shadow to shadow. The steady hum of distant traffic provided an eerie backdrop to the oppressive silence surrounding me. I had completed my first pass of recon already—meticulously scanning nearby buildings and vehicles for telltale signs of snipers or hidden operatives. My trained eyes searched for the slightest glint of a scope, an out-of-place silhouette, or any hint of movement. Did I expect toseethem? No, Daniel wouldn’t be that stupid, but years of experience had taught me the subtle clues to look for, and I refused to enter unprepared. After all, I’d promised Ivy I’d return to her, and I intended to keep that promise.
Two elements worked against me. First, the element of surprise. I had no idea what, or who, was waiting for me inside this building. Daniel had the upper hand there. Second, I was going inside alone.
At first, at least. After I’d hung up with Daniel, I’d made a crucial call of my own. It was terrifying to risk going against Daniel’s orders when Ivy’s and my family’s lives were on the line, but this might be the last time we’d know of Daniel’s location.
Meanwhile, Seth and Barry had another mission to complete while I carried out this one. They needed to get back to Ivy and my family and warn Hunter that one of his security guards was compromised.
I held my Glock up at shoulder height and slowly approached the front door. By the looks of it, this place was once a commercial office of some sort, now abandoned with an oversize redFor Leasesign blanketing the front window. The sign offered concealment to someone who might be inside, watching my approach.
Preparing their attack.
As I pulled out my phone with my free hand, a storm of unhelpful emotions surged through me.
Rage, of course, was front and center. Fear, if I’m being honest, that I might fail Ivy and my family. But right behind that was the emotion I least expected right now—hurt.
Deep down, I knew Daniel would not be alone inside this building, like he claimed. He wouldn’t take the chance to confront his top operative head-on; instead, he probably dispatched a team to take me down as soon as I walked through that door. Worse, he might not even be here at all—and if that was the case, I had a bigger problem on my hands.
Because the plan I had come up with required Daniel to be here.
And, God, I prayed he was. Not just to carry out my plan, but because I clung to the hope that he’d be man enough to have a conversation with me, explaining everything. While there was nothing he could ever say to earn my forgiveness, I didn’t appreciate how badly I needed closure until this very moment.
Until it was all about to end.
When someone that you love does something so reprehensible—shows a side of them you never knew existed, destroying you in the process—it’s difficult to reconcile the person you thought they were with the person they actually are. Had they been a wolf in sheep’s clothing all along? Had they preyed on your vulnerabilities, manipulating you from day one?
Was any of it real?
I swallowed against the lump in my throat and forced myself to focus on my senses, to assess danger one final time.
A bitter breeze that stung my cheeks carried the faint scent of motor oil, warning me that flammables might be present. The absence of pedestrians and vehicles also whispered threats of an explosion—perhaps this location was chosen to reduce or eliminate collateral damage.
It was settled, then. I’d go around back, but first, it was time to setmyplan into motion.
I dialed the number Daniel had called me from.