Page 85 of Return To You

I bitemy bottom lip as I undo the chain around my neck, removing the ring.

Slowly, I place the ring on the vanity, put the chain back on, and look at the beautiful diamond.

It’s been three months since Piper was arrested, two months since she was sentenced to eight years imprisonment after being found guilty of all charges, including three more charges when a few producers from Noah’s label came forward and gave evidence that she was blackmailing them to be assigned to Noah’s band while they toured. She’ll be out in five years if she behaves, which we all know she won’t.

Also…it’s been a month since I told both Katie and Jarold that I’ll be leaving them.

I finally decided to listen to Gina—something I never thought I’d say—and jump in with both feet. Noah has proven himself, tenfold, over the last three months, and I may have called a couple of times to see if he’d come running even if he’s busy—pathetic, yes, but it helped; he didn’t even hesitate, and bothCam and Barn were right behind him, showing how much they care for me and Diego.

Gina was right, and no, I won’t be telling her that. But without fully pushing myself into the situation, I won’t be able to learn to forgive Noah and put my heart in his hands as I did for four years, six years ago. If I want a life with him, I need to do this.

I eye the ring on the vanity, gently running my finger over it, knowing exactly what will happen if I put it on.

I’ve made a big leap by quitting my jobs. With the help of my dad and brother, which, yes, is also a shock to me, I’ve moved all my belongings into mine and Noah’s home in Kingstonville.

I’m moving back home, and when I re-start my classes in the fall, I won’t even have to put Diego in daycare because, well, I have several people willing to watch him, heck, even fighting to have him, Gina being at the top of the list. Though, I will miss Mrs. Cannon, Diego spending time with his aunt will do him good.

With help from Noah, Gina’s also going back to school, the same university as me, to study childcare, and help take care of Diego, which will go toward her credits.

I haven’t fully forgiven her, and her mom will need to be with her and Diego until I do, but I’m willing to try.

I’m done being bitter over everything. I can’t have my son brought up in such toxicity.

Yesterday, I said goodbye to Mr. Jarold, Katie, Natalie, and even Peter, who just glared and walked away from me, calling me a selfish whore under his breath. I held Natalie back as my father and brother chased the idiot around the diner.

It was funny to watch, to be honest.

“Alright, that is the last of Diego’s toys,” Al says as he enters the bedroom. “I understand you wanted him to have everything he could, but sis, you barely left anything for yourself.”

I smile slightly and mumble, “That’s what parents do,” not looking up from the ring.

Alejandro is quiet for a moment before I feel him next to me. He picks up the ring, making me look his way, and he smiles. “Put it on, Little Bit. Make the man’s dreams come true.”

I lick my lips and ask, “What if I put it on and he leaves me again?”

Al shrugs “Then I’ll kick his ass.” I laugh, making him smile before he sighs. “Seriously, Rose. The day you two met, I warned him to stay away from you because I saw the look on his face when he looked at you.” I raise a brow, and he grins. “Possessiveness, not willing to let you go, even at fourteen.” His grins fades. “Then I saw him after he left you…the downward spiral. I saw the doctors pump his stomach, and I watch his heart stop….” My mouth parts at; he never told me about that! Instantly, I want to curl up and scream. “I saw him struggle for years, missing you, but not willing to open his eyes and see why he ran to begin with. And then I saw the hope in his eyes when he saw you again, and realized Diego was his.”

Al gently tucks my hair behind my ear, and holds the ring up between us. “I saw how happy you have made him, Little Bit. Put the ring on, and finally go get fucking married. Live your lives, put the past and the pain behind you.”

My tears fall, and Al smiles gently. Without a second thought, I take the ring from him, place it on my ring finger, and hold up my hand, looking at it.

It fits perfectly….

“Now, that is a sight that will bring him to his knees, but you better tell him to call me before he flies you to Vegas later—and the boys, and preferably Dad, Gina, his mom, and dad….”

I laugh and gently shove my brother before asking, “But not Vanessa?”

I mean, I don’t want her there, but I’m trying with my brother, even if he doesn’t deserve it.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair, his wedding ring noticeably missing. My heart instantly hurts for him.

“The guy she cheated on me with wasn’t the only one,” he admits, and my mouth parts in shock, but he shrugs. “A guy came to my office two months ago. She’d been sleeping with him for the whole time I was deployed. The one who got her pregnant was his friend. I filed for divorce last month. She’s tried to contest it for money, stating she was a good wife in the eleven months we’ve been married, but the evidence is tight, and she won’t get a cent. And honestly, if she had just told me the truth, I may have been able to try with her, but the lies are too much, and I have a feeling, her bumping into me that day in school when we first met, was because of our last name, not forme.”

I swallow hard and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my head to my chest. I whisper, “I’m sorry, big brother." He tenses, then squeezes me tight.

I haven’t called him big brother like that in years.

I’ve allowed him near Diego, but I’ve always kept my distance from him because of his treatment of me back then, but then Dad mentioned what I was up to, and he demanded to be involved. He even offered his plane, but Cam and Barn had that covered while Noah’s mom had Diego. She’s refusing to give back until she gets the call to go to Vegas.