Page 7 of Return To You

I didn't think anything of it. I just thought he was helping his cousin out because I was her boyfriend's little sister. I mean, I was thirteen and never really had any boy’s attention, but then suddenly, some guy tried hitting on me on the football field during gym class. Noah was on the bleachers with his friends while Piper was trying to get their attention, and he saw the whole thing.

One moment, the guy was in front of me, licking his chapped lips, and the next, he was gone, and Noah's lips were on mine, his palms cupping my cheeks possessively. Then he was whispering, “You're mine, Petal….”

And I have been since, and not once did I question it.

Noah was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love—my first and only, forever. I know I only just turned seventeen and haven't even lived yet, but I know I can't live without him….

He's all I want, and even though in school he's this big bad boy, outside of school or whenever it's just him and me, he's my angel, my protector.

Noah smiles against my lips before pecking them a few times, then pulls back, sitting his butt on the edge of the table, his white shirt straining against his muscular chest.

My eyes eat him up from the way his sleeves are rolled up, showcasing his tattoos. The large music symbol shaped in the letter R with several little roses hanging off it stands out, as does the way his hair is messy on the top of his head.

I make eye contact with him. He's smirking at me blatantly checking him out, and I know I'm blushing. The guy has massive sex appeal, and he knows that, but he never pushes.

We haven't gone further than making out, his hands always above my clothes. A small part of me is insecure, the little voice in my head wondering why, but the bigger part knows he knows me inside and out. He knows I'm not ready.

The guy owns me.

Instead of looking away like I'd normally do, I raise a brow at him.

Normally, he'd kiss me long and hard, but today, he hasn't, and I can smell why.

His smirk deepens, and I scowl, but he shakes his head, gently cupping my cheek and murmuring, "Don't give me that look, Petal. As soon as I knew you were here, where that bitch cornered you last month, I needed an outlet. You know I don't smoke unless I'm pissed, and you being here…."

I scrunch my nose. I had hoped he'd forgotten that.

He smiles at my reaction, and then kisses me again, but this time, he tilts my head to deepen the kiss. I open my mouth despite the taste of tobacco as his tongue pushes through my lips, tangling with mine.

I instantly taste his cigarette, which I hate, but I can't seem to care right now.

I grip his tie, keeping him close, making him smile into the kiss before dropping back a little. He whispers, "Let's get out of here, Petal."

I nod, and he stands, cleaning my stuff up for me, before grabbing my bag, and then helping me up. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I bury myself in his side as he guides us out of the library, saluting to Mr. Crow, who looks relieved his library is still in one piece.

I give the man a small “sorry” smile before gripping Noah's shirt, not wanting him to get too far from me as we get to the door. He doesn't, though. Instead, he squeezes me tighter to him, which I love.

When we walk out of the room, I look up and come to a halt, causing Noah to stop as well. My eyes widen, seeing all the students standing by the walls, rose petals all over the floor, his bandmates, his best friends, both grinning at me with their instruments in hand.

I turn to look at Noah to see him grinning at me. He drops my bag by our feet and kisses my head, then moves to stand before his friends, his eyes never leaving mine.

Smirking, he states, "The music room was occupied to everyone butyouduring the study period, and now because you decided to come here when I was waiting not so patiently for you inside that room, everyone is about to see exactly how much I love you."

My eyes tear up at his confession, a confession he's only said in private.

Clearing his throat, he turns and nods to Barnett, who starts strumming his guitar, Cameron following his lead with his. Then they start to play a melody that's so sweet it sends shivers down my spine. Noah makes eye contact with me again, and everything and everyone around me fades as he sings….

"You rocked my world when we were only young,

You looked at me like I was your only one,

You had me hooked with your words,

Digging yourself deep inside of me,"

He kneels, causing my mouth to part in surprise, and the students gasp.

"Petal, you got this bad boy down on his knees as he asks you to please…go to prom with me…."