Trust him. Hippie Lavender’s voice echoed in her head.
The rumble of a car’s engine came from outside. She stiffened.
“That’ll be Jesse. Don’t mention Reuben. Just give Jess the details of today’s attack. I need to think about this some more.” His gaze narrowed. “And I definitely need more intel on Michael Reuben.”
“The steaks are almost ready,” Sawyer called out, as he flipped the steaks on the grill by the pool. Inside, Hollis was making a salad.
He watched her through the glass as she waved at him. She was standing at the kitchen island, and was quiet, edgy, and off-balance. She hadn’t been able to sit still while she’d been giving Jesse a rundown on the attack.
Sawyer felt a hard shot of anger. They didn’t know if the asshole who’d tried to kill her was still on the island, but Sawyer would find him.
He pulled out his cellphone and texted Jesse.
You get anything on this guy, you let me know straight away.
Jesse responded immediately.
You know I will, Sawyer. I’ve passed his description onto Maui PD.
But Sawyer heard what Jesse didn’t say. They didn’t have much to go on.
Thanks again for coming out.
Next, Sawyer made a call.
“Sawyer?” Vander’s deep voice answered. “Everything okay?”
“I need some help.”
“Whatever you need, you’ve got it.”
Vander owned one of the best security firms in the country. If anyone could help him, it was Vander. “I met someone. A woman.”
“Really? So you did listen to my advice.”
Sawyer turned his back to the sliding glass doors. “She’s not from here, it’s just a temporary thing.”
“But she’s in danger. Someone attacked her at the beach today, and tried to drown her.”
Vander cursed. “Is she okay?”
“Yes, although she’s shaken.” As was Sawyer.
“I’m guessing this wasn’t random?”
“Not a chance.”
“What’s her name?”
Sawyer prodded the steaks again. “Hollis. Hollis Stanton.”
There was a long pause. “She has the same name as the actress?”
“No, she is the actress.”