The woman beamed. “We have some wonderful blends. With essential oils made right here on the island. Come. I’m Lavender, by the way.”


Fifteen minutes later, Hollis stepped out of Kaleidoscope with a frangipani-based perfume, and Lavender’s proclamation to trust the man who was adding color to her aura.

With a shake of her head, she headed down the street. She paused to look in other shop windows, admiring the clothing and artwork.

A prickle started on the back of her neck.

She turned her head, scanning both sides of the street. No one appeared to be looking at her.

She continued onto the next shop, but the sensation of being watched didn’t abate. She hunched her shoulders, walking faster. She’d planned to find somewhere that sold coffee machines, but that could wait. Maybe it was time to get back to her car and head home.

She nearly collided with someone on the sidewalk.

“Sorry!” She looked up at Sawyer’s cousin Benny. “Oh, hi, Benny.”

The man nodded. “Morning.” Today, there was no easy-going smile. “You enjoy yourself last night?”

“I did. It was so much fun on the beach. You have a great family.”

Benny nodded. “I also know my cousin didn’t make it to his own bed last night.”

She stayed quiet. That was between her and Sawyer.

Sawyer’s cousin sighed. “Look, Sawyer’s had a rough few years. He was in the military?—”

“I know. He told me.”

Benny paused. “He did?”

She nodded.

“He doesn’t talk about it much.”

“I get that it was tough for him. As was returning to civilian life.”

Benny’s brow creased. “He doesn’t sleep well, and has nightmares.”

Her stomach lurched. She’d had a taste of that herself the last few weeks, but being unable to sleep foryears… Her heart squeezed for Sawyer.

She reached out and touched Benny’s arm. “He credits this place, and you and your wife’s family, for saving him.”

Benny’s gaze narrowed as he studied her face. “I was going to warn you off him. I don’t want him hurt. But maybe you’re not the selfish actress looking for a fling like I thought you were.”

“I’m just a woman, Benny. And I wasn’t looking for Sawyer, either, but he sure is hard to ignore. I don’t get to meet many real, genuine guys like him.”

Now, his cousin grinned. “Okay, I’m not going to pull the protective cousin routine.”

She smiled back. “Good.”

“Let’s do dinner soon. My wife is an excellent cook. I’ll call Sawyer to tee it up.”

“That sounds great.”

Hollis was still smiling as she headed down the sidewalk. She made a stop at the grocery store, and got the things she needed for dinner. She noted that some shelves were empty, with a small sign saying that the shipment was late. She guessed there were some challenges to living in paradise, if paradise was an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

She carried her bags back to her car. The sun was warm, and she couldn’t wait to go for a swim later.