His buddy had taken the attackers down, saved the military research, and fallen in love with the scientist.

“It’s not too slow for you?” Vander asked. “There’s always a place at Norcross Security, if you want it.”

“Thanks, but I need to be here for now.” Sawyer looked out at the ocean.

“I get it, Sawyer. I know what you went through. I also know you. I know you’re battling a hefty dose of guilt, and survivor’s guilt is the worst. None of it was your fault.”

“My head knows that, but how I feel…”

“Yeah. That takes time to untangle.” Vander paused. “It’s better doing that when you’re not alone.”

Sawyer laughed. “I’m not alone. I’ve got Benny and Kalani, and her family. And there are a lot of them.”

“I’m glad you’ve got family, but I’m talking about the female type of company.”

“I don’t need a woman.”

“I thought that too, for a long time. Now she’s my entire world. I’m fucking glad she pushed her way into my life.”

Sawyer was happy for Vander, but it wasn’t what he needed. Of course, that immediately made him think of red hair and blue eyes.

“You need anything, you just call,” Vander said.

“Thanks, Vander. And if you ever want to take Brynn on a vacation, Maui is a great spot.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Once Vander had gone, Sawyer stayed there in the dark, staring at the ocean.


Walking into the office, Sawyer enjoyed the blast of cool air from the air-conditioning.

The Sheriff Department office on Maui wasn’t huge. The lower level was a large, open space filled with desks. The Maui Police Department had a bigger presence and a larger building in the center of Kahului. The two departments worked closely together.

A woman popped up from her desk. “Hey, how did it go?”

Leilani Sola was tiny, not even five feet tall and her Hawaiian heritage showed in her long, black hair and cute face. She looked fifteen, but he knew she was in her mid-twenties. She had a habit of wearing bright colors, and today was no exception. Her shirt was a lollipop pink that seared the eyes.

She was also the heart and soul of their little office. The woman could do just about anything.

“Fine. Got the prisoner delivered to the airport. He didn’t cause any trouble.”

“Because you were all scowly and intimidating.”

“I don’t scowl.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right.” She lifted a piece of paper off her desk. “There was a call for you. Tyler Janson was released from the hospital. He’s going to be fine.”

Sawyer smiled. “That’s great news.”

“His parents said to say thank you for the turtle toy you brought him yesterday. He loves it.” She grinned at him. “You’re just a big softie, aren’t you, big guy?”

Sawyer grunted and headed for his desk. He dropped into his chair, and it creaked underneath him.

Leilani bustled over. “How come some woman hasn’t snapped you up yet?”

“Not interested.” Of course, his brain instantly provided him with an image of Hollis Stanton, naked. He blew out a breath. He was spending too much time thinking of creamy skin, blue eyes, and russet-red hair.