Finally, he slipped back into bed, keeping his gun in easy reach. Hollis made a sleepy sound and rolled into his body, then relaxed.

“No one’s going to hurt you.” He slid his hand to her hip.

Then he stared at the ceiling. He wouldn’t sleep. He’d make sure their visitor didn’t return.

Hollis snuggled into the pillow,drowsily wondering if she needed to get up and go to work. What movie was she filming at the moment?

The pillow shifted, and she realized it was actually a firm arm.


Her eyes blinked open. Sunlight was coming in through the gap in the curtains. And Sawyer Lane was in her bed.

Nowthatwas a sight she could easily wake up to every day.

“Morning.” His voice was a deep rumble. “Did you sleep all right?”

“I slept really well, considering.” She smiled. “The best sleep I’ve had in a while.”



“I don’t usually need a lot of sleep, but I got a solid few hours.”

Something in his voice made her cock her head. He sounded slightly surprised.

“I’m glad.” Then her full bladder demanded attention. “I’ll be back.” She slipped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom.

When she came back, her mouth was minty fresh. Sawyer was sitting up in the bed, his chest on display.

Shereallyliked his chest.

In the clear light of day, her gaze drifted to a circular scar on his shoulder—it had to be from a bullet. It made her wonder about everything he’d been through.

“I’m glad you stayed, even if the night was quiet.”

His jaw tightened and he swung his legs off the bed.

Her stomach did a nasty swoop. “It was quiet, right?”

“We had a nocturnal visitor. Don’t worry. I scared him off.”

God. Someone had come here. To her house. A mix of fear, anger, and despair hit her like a bucket of cold water to the face.

She stumbled back a step. “I should leave. Go…somewhere.”

“Fuck, no.” He reached for her hand and pulled her onto the bed. She rested on her knees beside him.

“You go, he might find you again. And you’d be unprotected. You stay here, where I can protect you.”

“This isn’t your problem, Sawyer.”

He cupped her jaw. “It is now.”


“I called an old military friend last night. He runs a security company in San Francisco. He’s going to look into Reuben.”