Vander whistled. “When I told you to find a woman, you didn’t mess around.”

“She’s staying in a holiday house near mine. Vander, someone’s after her.”

“A stalker?”

“No. I need you to dig into a man called Michael Reuben.”

Another pause. “The wealthy Hollywood producer. I’ll get Ace on it.”

Sawyer told Vander what Hollis had overheard at Reuben’s house.

“Hell, it sounds like she stumbled onto something nasty,” Vander mused.

“I’mnotletting her get hurt.” Sawyer turned, and let his gaze drift back to her through the glass.

“All right. Let me do some digging. I’ll call you when I’ve got something. Do you need backup?”

“Not yet, but I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks, Vander.”


After he slipped his cellphone back in his pocket, he put the steaks on a plate. He headed inside.

“I was going to cook for you tonight.” Hollis’s nose wrinkled. “My famous pepper steak stir fry. Instead, you worked all day, had to deal with my drama, and then had to cook the steaks.”

He set the plate on the island. “Hey.” He cupped her cheeks. “Getting attacked wasn’t your fault. And keeping you safe is no hardship.”

She swallowed. “You’re the real deal, aren’t you?”

He cocked a brow.

She pressed her hands to his chest. “A good guy.”

He stroked a thumb over her lip. “I’m not a saint.”

She smiled. “Oh, I know.” She nipped his thumb. “Come on, let’s eat before the steaks get cold.”

They sat at the table, with a moonlit view of the ocean beyond the pool. After a little while, Hollis relaxed, talking about the scripts she’d been reading, and which ones she’d liked. But after they’d cleaned up and washed the dishes, that edgy tension leaked back in again.

He could tell she was anxious and exhausted.

“Go and get ready for bed. I’ll lock up.”

“You’re staying?” She didn’t hide the hope in her voice.

“Of course, I’m staying.”

With a relieved nod, she disappeared into the bedroom.

Sawyer checked all the doors and windows. He scanned out back, taking in the shadows under the trees. Was someone out there? Watching her place?

Bring it. They’d have to go through him first to get to her.

Back in the bedroom, he found Hollis in a short, sexy nightgown, in a shade of blue-gray that suited her. His cock twitched.

Down boy. She was tired and vulnerable. Tonight was about taking care of her, and making sure she got some sleep.

He pulled off his shirt, and her gaze zeroed in on his chest.