“You’re not fine,” Levi said, through gritted teeth.
“Look who’s speaking.” I turned and pointed to his waist. “I did a bad job there and it shows.” I took a step closer and looked at him. “You’re here,” I whispered, suddenly aware that something had gone right. “You’re back.”
“Thanks to you, sweetheart.” He took my hand in his and tugged me even closer. He leaned into me and rested his forehead on mine. “Really … thank you.”
“Oh, the almighty Leviathan said thank you about three times in the last hour. That’s surely a record.” I almost chuckled, but I was too busy enjoying this moment.
My chest started throbbing and I suppressed a groan.
Levi noticed, though. “Let’s get you healed, sweetheart.”
* * *
The manor was even biggeron the inside, going another two stories under the main floor. There was an entire infirmary with beds, all of them with curtains for division. Most of my friends and I ended up on those beds, waiting for the warlocks and Lacey to come around and heal us.
When Lacey stopped beside Levi, she could barely contain her tears. “Thank goodness you’re okay.” He hugged her, but didn’t say much while she healed his injury, finally closing the cut properly. “I don’t think I’ll be able to erase all of it,” she said, explaining that my stitching had definitely saved him, but it had also marked him in a way magic couldn’t undo. “We can keep trying, though.”
Levi shook his head. “It’s fine. I like it.” He looked at me.
Clearing her throat. “Right. Here.” She shoved a black shirt at him. “From the warlocks.”
Gingerly, Levi put on the shirt and I quietly mourned the loss of such an incredible view.
Lacey rounded my bed and stood behind me. She hovered her hand over my wound and started working. I first felt a sting, then warmth as her magic did its job.
“How’s Topaz?” I asked. The witch was sleeping on the bed across the large room, and I could barely make out her form from here.
“She’s fine,” Lacey said, her voice tight. “She was hit pretty hard, but she’ll be okay.”
I bit down on my cheek, dying to ask her what was up between the two of them. I wanted to, and I would, I just wasn’t sure this was the time and place.
Lacey pressed her hand to my back. “How does it feel?”
I groaned. “A little sore.”
“That’s expected, but the injury is gone. You’ll be good as new in no time.” She smiled at me, then turned to Ava, who was two beds from me.
I opened my mouth to tell her about the pain in my chest but shut it again. There was no visible wound, and right now, other people needed her more than I did.
I glanced around.
Rage was seated with Zad beside Topaz’s bed, and his arm looked mended. Andre and Doreen were on the other side of Ava and Harvey, and they looked fine too.
Abbie, Farrah, and Wyatt were behind Levi’s bed. The warlock who had helped Lacey with Topaz was now healing Wyatt’s scratches. His name was Kadir, and he had been working with Keeran, the Warlock Lord, for a while. He and the other warlock, Bevan, who had welcomed us inside, oversaw this place, and kept Lord Keeran and Lord Drake informed of everything that was going on in their spy network.
When Kadir was done, he looked around and scratched his short beard. “I think everyone is healed now. The dining room should be prepared for you, and while you eat, I’ll make sure your bedrooms are set.” He gestured for us to get up. “Follow me, if you’re ready.”
Everyone got up and started going after him, but I stayed back. With slow steps, I approached Topaz’s bed. Her skin was pale and she looked incredibly frail.
“Don’t look so glum,” she said, her voice thin.
I gaped at her. “You’re awake.”
She peeked at me with one eye. “Barely.”
“I’m sorry.”