Tanner stared at me. “We need to secure the dagger.”
I had run from that thing for so long, it had brought so much pain to me and to Elysium, I wasn’t eager to get it again.
But I knew he was right.
We had to get the dagger before someone else happened upon it.
I stared at the king of the underworld. “I have one condition.”
His brows furrowed. “And what is that?”
“Before we secure the dagger, we use it … on Levi.”
I knewLacey had had the same idea as me. Use the Scarlet Hex Dagger to expel the darkness from Levi and bring him back to his old self.
Of course, Tanner, Zad, and Rage voiced their distaste. But it wasn’t a negotiation, not really.
I knew this step complicated things, but it would be the easiest way to have Levi back. And once we had him back, he would be a great force on our side, fighting alongside us.
So, after breakfast Tanner told us to get ready. “We’ll assemble a small team and leave at noon.” He turned to Lily. “I’ll need a glass of whiskey.”
She nodded and left to procure it.
Jasmin glared at him. “It’s eight in the morning.”
“In the human world,” he retorted. “Here, it is whatever the hell we want it to be.”
I frowned at Tanner. Was he always like this underneath the fun, bickering guy I had met before? Or had circumstances become so grim, it erased his fun side?
Tanner took his seat while he waited for Lily. With a groan, Jasmin took the chair to his right. “Maybe I should have a glass too.”
As everyone filed out of the dining room—Abbie followed Lacey out—I approached them. I stopped behind one of the tall chairs and looked at the siblings. “I know Lord Drake is preoccupied, but maybe we should keep him and DuMoir Castle informed of what’s going on.”
Tanner nodded. “I’ll call him.”
“Thank you,” I said.
“Calling Drake doesn’t require thanks.”
“Not just that, but for agreeing to save Levi, and organizing a team to help me.”
“That dagger is too powerful, and it seems we’re all doomed if we don’t help, so …” He waved his arm wide. “I’m doing what any decent leader would do.”
Jasmin rolled her eyes. “He wants compliments, Ariella. Right now, we should say he’s doing a fabulous job with the underworld, and there’s no better king than him.”
“A lie and we all know it,” he said, a coldness in his tone I had never heard before.
“Yes, but we’ve talked about this before,” Jasmin said. “Fake it until you make it. No one is born knowing how to rule. You’ll learn, and the best way to learn it is on the job.”
“It’s a messy way to learn.”
“Besides, you’re not alone. You have me, and Erin and all of the demon hunters, and Lord Drake and DuMoir Castle. Anything you need, you know they will help.”
“But that makes us look weak, unprepared. What if someone realizes we’re in way over our heads and decides to attack us head on? I don’t really mind not being king, but I do mind if a person worse than me takes over.”
Jasmin placed her hand on Tanner’s arm. “And that’s why you’re the best for this job.”