“Let me go!” I screamed.
He snarled at me, and when I struggled against him, he tightened his hold, making it impossible for me to move.
I glanced back and saw as Zad came after us, but Ylena was ready for him. She appeared right in front of him, taking him by surprise, and threw that charged bolt right at him.
Zad grunted in pain as the shock rocked his body. He lost control and went down.
“No,” I whispered, hoping he would recover enough to catch himself before hitting the ground.
Rage fought Ylena’s hold, and though she was strong, it was probably hard carrying him and fighting him. Rage lost his spear and Ylena shocked him. He slumped in her arms.
I considered calling my magic and trying to surprise Levi with it long enough for him to drop me, but then I realized that this might be a good thing. He didn’t seem intent on killing me, and if he took me with them, I would know where they were going, what their plan was.
Despite my instincts, I stopped fighting.
And let Levi take me.
Somehow,Ylena had figured some things out. For one, we were in a prison, and two, Rage had a key to get out of here.
She reached into his pocket and grabbed the black rectangle. She held on to it as we approached the cliff and the mist appeared. At first, it was like morning fog, but soon, it was thick and almost tangible.
For a good fifteen minutes, we flew blind.
Until the mist dissipate and we came face-to-face with the cliff wall. Ylena and Levi had to pull back with all of their might before we slammed into the wall. They pulled up and flew to the top of the cliff.
At the edge, they bumped into an invisible wall.
“Where’s the lock?” Ylena asked Rage. He pressed his lips tight. “Tell us, or I’ll drop you.”
He glanced at me, determined to not reveal anything.
With a snarl, Ylena wrapped a hand around Rage’s throat. “You.” She stared me. “Tell me or I’ll drop him.”
Shit. “I don’t know where it is.”
“Liar!” She loosened her grip and Rage slipped a little. His eyes went wide for a moment.
“I seriously don’t know!” I had seen Jasmin holding the key to the wall; there were no markers.
Ylena hissed. “You’re useless to me.” She opened her arms.
Rage fell.
“No!” I screamed, watching as he disappeared into the mist. I glared at Ylena. “What the hell happened to you?” This couldn’t be the same angel who had trained me, who had been such an inspiration to me.
She didn’t acknowledge me. Instead, she turned to the invisible wall and simply pushed the key into it.
The key held and Ylena turned it. A shimmer ran through the wall as it disengaged. She dropped the key at the edge of the cliff, as if it was trash, and with a wicked smile, she crossed the barrier.
Levi followed her.
A couple feet past the barrier, they landed and turned to each other. Without wasting a breath, Levi growled and threw a big bolt at Ylena. She barely dodged it, and the bolt singed her hair.
“You,” she snarled. “I helped you!”
“I’m a demon,” he said with a growl. “You should know better.”