With a shriek, Ylena zoomed through the clearing. Another bolt came from the left and missed her by a hair. She hissed and flew a little higher, hopping over a rock formation.
And we all gawked at her.
“Is that her?” Farrah asked.
Lost for words, I nodded.
Yes, it was Ylena.
But it wasn’t.
Her blond hair was longer, wilder, her clothes were in tatters, she had a craze glint in her eyes, and a snarl on her lips. Her skin was grayish, and her hands … her fingertips had become black and razor sharp, like claws.
But the most shocking of all was her wings: they were now black.
Like Zad’s and mine.
“That’s what happens when you spend time locked in the underworld,” Zad said, his voice low. Sad. “You go insane, and if you’re an angel, your wings turn black.”
“Did Levi go insane too?” Lacey asked, glancing to where the bolt had come from a moment ago.
I also wanted to know that.
As if answering her question, he walked into the clearing and I couldn’t control my reaction. I gasped as the tug turned violent and my heart squeezed.
Levi was here in his demon form.
But he was different. He was larger, his horns were longer, and his skin was darker than before. His wings … they were at least twice their normal size.
He had the same crazed glint in his eyes as Ylena’s, but he wasn’t snarling. He was growling like an animal ready for dinner.
Levi stopped a few yards later and sent another bolt of darkfire at Ylena. She snickered, flapped her wings, twisted in midair, and landed atop the rock again.
“That’s the best you can do?” she said, her voice shrill like a ghost’s.
With a growl, Levi cast another bolt.
We stood several yards to their side, at the edge of the clearing, but they were unaware of our presence.
“Keep Ylena busy,” I said before dashing into the clearing. “Levi!”
Slowly, Levi let the bolt fade and turned to me. His bright red eyes met mine and for a second, I wanted to cry with relief. He saw me! I was here! He would be fine now.
His lips curled back and he snarled.
With a flap of his powerful wings, Levi lunged at me, his hands in front of him, ready to strike.
I froze.
Someone rammed into me from the side, knocking me to the ground as Levi zoomed past me, his claws an inch from my head.
I fell hard, hurting my shoulder with the impact, and Lacey landed on top of me.
“What?” I blinked, as if waking from a daze.
“He’s not himself.” Lacey stood and offered her hand to me.
I grasped it and helped her pull me up, just as Levi whipped around in the air and came at us again.