Page 11 of Fallen Demon

Right when someone was walking in.

A sudden wall of ice appeared before the person. My magic hit the ice with a sizzling sound and melted away.

The wall of ice became snowflakes and disappeared and I stared at the female standing behind it.

“I haven’t seen you in a while and the first thing you do is attack me?” Farrah asked, teasing. “What did I do to deserve that?”

She offered a huge smile and walked to me.

I met her halfway. We crashed into each other’s arms, hugging as if we would never let each other go.

Farrah was my first friend on Earth, my first supernatural ally. When we first met, I had hated her mate, Wyatt, the wolf shifter, but that was several years ago, when my views were tainted and I thought all supernaturals, except for angels and fae, were dark and evil.

“Don’t ever run away without a proper goodbye,” she said, still holding me in a bear hug. “Or I’ll hunt you down and kick your ass.”

I smiled. “Yeah, right now, you might be able to. But if I had my full powers, I'd give you a run for your money.”

She pulled back a little and fixed her blue eyes on mine. “How are you?”

I stared at the pretty frost fae. She had long, silver-white hair, brilliant blue eyes, fair skin, and the most delicate, beautiful face I had ever seen. And she was damn powerful.

All of my friends were.

“I’m … okay.”

She squeezed my arms. “Don’t lie to me.”

Zad cleared his throat. “I’ll see you two later.”

I gave him a quick glance. “Thanks, Zad.”

He nodded once, waved at Farrah, and left the training facility.

“Come.” Farrah hooked her arm to mine. “Walk with me.”

I did, but when we got outside, I looked around. “Where’s Wyatt?”

“He went to help Drake with something.” She shrugged. “Preparing for tomorrow night, I think.”

Tomorrow night, all of the most powerful supernaturals on this side of the globe would be gathered in the same castle. That was either a good thing for our enemies who could simply wipe us all out in one strike, or it could actually instill more fear in those who heard about how connected we all were.

We took the long path to exit the forest and strolled around the garden and the maze. It was still chilly here in the Northeast at this time of the year and I had heard someone commenting there might be a snowstorm coming.

“Now, tell me, how are you?” Farrah asked again.

I shrugged, and instead of answering the question directly, I told her about Levi. Not just what I had told Drake and the others about what had happened to me, and Elysium, and Ylena’s betrayal. But how I had met Levi, how we had gotten tangled together, the magical bond, the first time we slept together, then finding out who his father was, leaving him behind after breaking the bond—or thinking we did.

Then meeting him again in the Great Eternity Hall, how now I thought it had been on purpose. Yes, he had been there to help with the loose creatures, but he would have left if it wasn’t for me.

No? Was I reading too much into this.

But after the words he said to me, to Ylena, right before sacrificing himself to stop her, I didn’t know what to think anymore.

“He sounds like a big jerk,” Farrah said. “One who obviously likes you.”

“That’s just the bond.” That was my automatic response.

“You know Wyatt and I found out we were mates right before I set out to marry the enemy.”