Artur followed Abeand Jacob out of the garage/workspace into an entertainment area; couches and large televisions dotted the walls of this room just inside the house.
Abe and Jacob were both staring at him as he sat down. “Nu? What is this? Is this an intervention, an interrogation, or both?”
“You’re a mess,” Abe said, neither confirming nor denying. “You’re pacing and you’re making Isaac nervous.”
Which was true, he realized as he fought the impulse to stand and pace across the carpeting.
“Don’t,” Jacob added with a laugh. “You’re making me dizzy. So what’s going on?”
Knowing the both of them, he realized that he needed to fess up, which meant he told the story from the beginning.
And what he hoped was going on.
“What’s more important?” Abe asked once Artur finished. “The woman or the job?”
Artur raised an eyebrow. “Non-disclosure…has nothing to do with what I feel is important or not. It’s not my information to play with.”
“Exactly,” Jacob said. “Good answer.”
Except from his tone, Artur could tell that there was something more coming. “But what?”
Jacob nodded. “I think the bigger problem is not about how you didn’t tell her, but that you didn’t explain that in your line of work, there are sometimes situations where youcan’ttell her what’s going on, and that in those times, she needs to trust you to know when and how to get her information she needs.”
He nodded. And that made sense, letting him feel that there was a chance, a possible chance to help Liv understand…and fix the argument they’d had.
Now, he had to wait for sundown and the biggest Hanukkah miracle he’d ever hoped for.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Isaac pulled offa miracle, and the dreidl was delivered to the space in the center of town where they’d built the stage.
The speakers were wonderful, talking about unity and inclusion. Even the members of the JHPA who brought a menorah and candles did a wonderful job, and the entire crowd said the blessings.
But the thing that burned the brightest? Liv’s smile.
She was effervescent; she was gorgeous. And the entire crowd was so happy.
The calendar of events would start the next day, and everything that happened was a testament to her and the work she’d done.
He needed to go and find her.
“Go get her,” Abe said with a grin. “Go find the girl.”
Following his best friend’s smart advice, he headed toward a spot she could see from the stage…
“Artur,” a woman he recognized as his boss, Emily, said, “I’d like to talk to you if you have the time.”
And almost miraculously he met Liv’s eye…as she winked and turned away.
“If now isn’t a good time,” Emily started. “I actually have a proposition for you.”
“Now is good,” he said. “I’m interested.”
“We’re about to make history and we’d like you on board to help.”