“Can you take me through the report you wrote? We have some questions about the methods you used to extrapolate the data and the source files.”
“We? Meaning Interpol?”
“You’re going to continue working on this case?”
“Most certainly. You have my word.”
One Week Later
“All things under control there?”
I’m standing outside a conference room at the National Security Agency. Sloane is inside, in a meeting Jack Sullivan and Ryan Wolfgang arranged. If it weren’t for their assurances I can trust these people, I would’ve insisted on remaining with her the entire time. But I trust Jack and Ryan.
In the room meeting with her are some I’m familiar with, such as Jack’s daughter, Sophia Sullivan, a CIA officer, and Fisher, a former Arrow employee turned CIA operative, and the brother-in-law of Erik from Arrow’s IT department, Logan, who coincidentally works for the NSA.
The question session evolved into a slide show of faces asking Sloane who she recognized from the Origins Laboratory, Lumina International, and Cambodia.
I stepped outside to take this call from Knox.
“It’s good. Typical intel gathering. How’re things there?”
“All good. We’re moving into the rental this weekend.”
“You still a happily engaged man?”
It was just a couple of days ago he asked and she said yes, but when we’ve touched base, we haven’t been in a place to shoot the shit.
“I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. This is right.”
“I’m happy for you. I think she’s good for you.”
“How so?”
Sage is this tiny scrap with a giant heart. Whereas my Sloane is strong and lethal. She’s tougher to get to know, but what’s underneath is every bit as steadfast as Sage, and god help anyone who threatens someone she loves. And I’m one lucky SOB to fall into that category.
“What do you mean?” Knox asks again when I don’t respond quickly enough for the new fiancé.
“I just think she’s crazy in love with you and the two of you are going to be good together.”
“Thanks. I agree. Things there are going okay? If Sage didn’t have school, she’d be there right now.”
“Tell her not to worry. They’re just picking her brain.”
“Room full of suits?”
“More or less. Some khakis and sports jackets thrown in for good measure, along with a couple of dresses and low heels.”
“Does the scene have you jonesing to join the CIA, or NSA, or any other government acronym?”
“Not at all.” I’m about done with uniforms of all varieties. Definitely done with all the formalities. “You know, Interpol’s here too. Our contact, Tristan Voignier. In the room with her now.”
“That’s interesting.”