Page 172 of Riordan's Revenge

While Riordan left the apartment to go collect our dinner, I quickly jumped to put in place a small plan I’d had in my mind for days, ever since he’d bought me furniture. I’d never had a boyfriend before, so I hoped he’d forgive how slow I was to reciprocate.

With glee, I made my choices and clicked through multiple websites. Then I jumped to my family chat—my brothers had all returned home, and the thread was thick with gossip and news—and made my request.

A thumbs-up from the relative in question made me grin. Riordan joining the skeleton crew had been the best event ever. I wanted to mark it as permanent.

Another thought occurred as I finished up. Quickly, I called Shade, knowing he was upstairs from a comment on the group chat with my girls.

He replied. I shot up to his apartment and borrowed what I needed.

Back in our place, Riordan was in the kitchen. He lifted an eyebrow in question. “Where did you go?”

“I had to borrow something.”

Nearing, I kept it concealed behind my back.

He held my gaze, some kind of trouble in his eyes. When I reached the kitchen counter, he finally spoke. “Move in with me.”

My heart seized up. “Say that again with your clothes off.”

A small smile curved his lips, and Riordan stripped his shirt, revealing his hot-as-fuck muscular body. “Move in with me. I want to live with you.”

“Ye mean here, right?”

The smile broadened. He undid his jeans and slid them down his legs, kicking them off. “Yes, here. It might be your place, but I wanted to do the asking.”

I squeaked in happiness and dove at him, remembering my hidden device at the last second. What had Shade told me? Firm against the skin and fire.

Riordan caught me and dove in for a kiss. “Is that a yes?”

With my arms around him, I tugged up his boxers, set the tracker gun to his arse cheek, and pulled the trigger. It snapped, and he jerked, rearing back in surprise.

I held up the device, grinning as I backed away. “Aye, we live together now. And we can never lose each other again either. The tracker on your bike wasn’t enough for me. You’re not always on it. I can’t bear the thought of ye going missing…”

My words dried up at his expression.

Furious, beautiful,relieved, like my love for him gave him a sense of home as much as our apartment did.

“You have no idea what you do to me.” He hunted me across the room.

Down the hall. To our bedroom.

I did know. I felt it, too.

We had it to share, and we’d never lose sight of each other again.

Chapter 54


A week on, and life was in danger of returning to peaceful. The city was rebuilding, the clubs operating as normal. Arran, Shade, and Everly had held meetings with the new lead prospect for mayor, a woman named Mary Pressley who Everly used to work with. Apparently Everly had inspired her to battle her anxiety and not let it hold her back.

She was popular with voters. Leading in all the polls.

She’d also praised the warehouse and promised to advocate for the right for women to operate how they wanted to, which I guessed meant she’d taken a bribe, but either way, everyone was happy and no one missed Mayor Makepeace.

I resumed my shifts, though was spending less time on the club floors and more going out with Arran and Shade. Shade particularly wanted me to be geared up to support Cassie in her predator elimination plan. He trained me in taking down targets without being seen, and by the third attempt, told me I was a natural.

Weird way to shine, but I couldn’t deny my surge of pride.