My sister watched me, her face pale and another paper towel clamped around her injury. “You think it could have been used. That’s why you’re cleaning my blood from it.”
“I don’t know that. But no way am I leaving a rogue knife with your fingerprints and DNA on it in this flat. If he’s in trouble…”
We shared a glance that meant the rest could be left unsaid.
Then she closed her eyes and thunked her head on the peeling wallpapered wall. “Arran is going to kill me.”
I blew out a breath. “I’ll get rid of it. Let’s go.”
Outside, Gen climbed into the car and returned to the warehouse with her crew escort. I shadowed them to be sure she’d got inside safely then drove my bike to the city centre street where I’d been ordered.
Messing around with Adam’s newfound interest in weaponry had cost me time, so I was late.
In a darkened street, I killed the engine and hopped off, eyeing the yellow lit alley entrance.
Zed Alley ran behind busy restaurants and city centre shops. It was wide enough for deliveries at the entrance but narrowed to a footpath between buildings. Industrial bins and piles of cardboard boxes littered the edges, and music thumped from a nearby club.
There were no people in sight.
My phone buzzed as I left my bike and paced further away from the single streetlight, my stomach tightening in anticipation. This was sketchy as fuck.
“Hello?” I said without looking at the screen.
“Riordan? It’s Everly. I know you’re not in the warehouse, but I was just making an announcement, and, well, I wanted you to be part of it.”
I kept my voice low, a strange and ominous feeling pressing down on me. “Sorry I’m not there. Announce away.”
“Connor and I are expecting a baby!”
Around her, people cheered happy sounds. Surprise caught me. One sister engaged, the other expecting.
“Congratulations,” I murmured. “I already know you’ll make an amazing mum.”
Everly thanked me.
Ahead of me, a man in black stepped out of the shadows. A dark mask covered his face, only his eyes visible, and I went still. Gripping my helmet tighter, I peered into the gloom.
I hadn’t asked Cassie which brother wanted to see me. It made sense that it was the youngest of the men, as I knew he was in Deadwater. He’d been with Arran.
The figure took a step but shook his head. I held my ground, killing the call to stow my phone. Everly would get an apology later.
“Struan, then. Nice intimidation tactic.”
It definitely wasn’t Sinclair. His height would give him away. The fourth brother, I hadn’t met.
In a distinctly unsettling move, the man leaned in. A snake poised to strike. It was the kind of shite Cassie would pull, but I still wasn’t certain that I hadn’t got here too late and come up against some chancer with a mask. God knew they were common enough in this city.
I tensed up.
The asshole uttered a growl and charged me.
Fuck. I ducked down into a fighter’s stance and spun to avoid him. At the same time, I threw out my forearm. It hooked his throat. The bastard dropped down, and I landed on top of him. We tussled for control. I grappled one arm then reached for the other to restrain him, not wanting to knock him out in case this was some test.
My consideration cost me. In a heartbeat, he flipped us, then snatched my phone from the pocket of my leathers.
This was a fucking mugging?