The apples of Genevieve’s cheeks reddened, and happiness shone from her. “I’d love your help in preparing for it. Arran wants to set a date soon. A shotgun ceremony then a big party here. It’s one of the reasons I want to see my dad. Not particularly to have him attend, but so that he knows and doesn’t hear it from anyone else.”
Everly beamed. “I’m in.”
I swung my gaze between them. “Wait, can I be as well?”
Genevieve cocked her head. “Sure, if you tell me you’ll be my brother’s date. He isn’t sleeping in his car anymore. Is he staying with you?”
She leaned in, the question clearly very close to the surface.
The lift arrived. I hopped in.
“I’ll get back to you on that. Gotta go. Love ye both.”
They wore twin frowns as the door closed, and I cracked up.
On my way down to the management office, I had another text.
Riordan: Just so you know, I’m heading out with Gen this evening. In case you miss me.
Cassie: I always miss you. Even when I’m with you. Strangest feeling.
Riordan: Stop being sweet or I’ll have to come and steal you away for an hour or two.
Cassie: You’d prefer me to be sour?
Riordan: With the shit you pull, I guess I’m into it either way.
Exiting the lift, I smiled then remembered something else I needed to say.
Cassie: Just in case it happens when I’m not around, I asked my brother to talk to you about the cops situation. He’s going to hunt you down.
Riordan: Ominous.
Cassie: He promised to be nice.
Riordan: I’ll take your word for it. If I never see you again, your pussy was the sweetest thing I ever tasted.
With a shiver, I stowed my phone and knocked on the office door.
Shade called me in. Alone in the space, he regarded me from across the desk. The visitor spotlight shone in my eyes, so I flipped it downward. Stupid interrogation light.
“I found out some information this evening that I think you’ll find interesting.”
That twinge of intuition returned. “Regarding Bronson?”
His eyes darkened. “Piers Roache.”
Shade picked up a tablet and held it out.
I took it, open on some kind of report. “What is this?”
“A secret and illegal database that exists between the owners of clubs like ours. We use it to check members against.”
I scanned the details. “I’ve heard ye talk about this. It contains men who have hurt or abused women in other clubs, right?”
“Correct. Piers was already listed on here, and I’ve been monitoring it since we gave him his warning.”
As part of our actions to get Piers to leave Everly alone, I’d sliced into his dick. Filmed him begging and posted it online with his name so anyone who searched on him could find it. Any potential future girlfriend. Anyone he was trying to get close to. Each time the posts got taken down, I popped them right back up again.