A rush of memories hit me. Cassie and I had shared a meal in her room at the warehouse after I’d hunted her down to challenge her on why she’d been tinkering with my bike. I’d caught her putting a tracking device on it, and at the time, I’d laughed it off. I’d reasoned away why she might be doing it. Arran or Shade keeping tabs on me, most likely. I’d challengedher, and she’d shared her dinner with me. I’d been fucking charmed by her cute conversation.
A conversation in which she’d told me her mother was dead. Funny that, as the dead appeared to have risen.
The scale of Cassiopeia Archer’s lies grew.
The door clicked, and her father returned with a roll of silver tape in his hands. He knelt beside me and tugged my hands free then drew out a length of tape with a rush of tearing adhesive.
Cassie’s eyes widened. “Is that necessary?”
Her father gave a gruff, “Aye, it is.”
Her mother raised a hand. “I just want to get a few things straightened out. This man, Riordan, is that right? You’re calling him yours. Does he share the sentiment?”
No, I fucking didn’t.
Cassie gave a sorrowful shake of her head.
“And he’s unconscious because?”
“I knocked him out a little bit.”
Her mother took a steadying breath. “I see. Do ye understand he might be upset when he wakes?”
With a sound of frustration, Cassie nodded again. Her mother inclined her head at the big guy, and he taped my wrists together, taking care to be thorough. Then he moved to my ankles, securing those as well over my jeans.
I focused on breathing. On the furious race of my heart.
Then Cassie spoke again. “I know what you’re saying. But I also want ye to think back on how ye began. Or Camden and Breeze. He bought her in an auction. None of ye had conventional starts to your relationships. I took him because I wanted him but also because it was necessary. I’ll make it good. Riordan is mine. Whether he knows it yet or not.”
I knew the fucking opposite. She was insane for what she’d done.
None of that explained the strange emotion that leapt in my chest at her claim. She’d saidmine. The word found an empty part of my soul and made a nest there.
In that conversation in her room, she’d asked me didn’t everyone want to be wanted? It had stuck with me. I’d thought about it way too often.
Cassie, too. Every inch of her.
I was a fool.
I wasn’t hers, and who knew how far she’d go if she’d been willing to do this. The moment the drug wore off, I’d fight for my life to get out of here.
Chapter 2
Sin stared then huffed a strangled laugh. Lottie brushed her hands over her lap.
“Well,” she started.
The apartment door burst open, and a small, dark-haired missile of a boy dashed inside. “Cassie!” He threw himself at me.
I caught Magnus, Sin and Lottie’s youngest, in a hug. “Oh no! It’s a Mag attack.”
In his superhero jammies, the six-year-old knelt on my lap and put both hands to my cheeks, commanding my attention. “You’ve been gone for ages.”
“Did ye miss me?”
He stuck out his tongue, then his gaze slid to the constrained Riordan. Coming back to me, he cocked his head, and I braced myself for an awkward question over why I had a stranger tied up on my couch.