I glared at him.
“I’m just saying.By then you’ll have forgotten all about that chick.”
I shook my head.“She was perfect. I’m telling you.”
“Or…you haven’tbeen that close to a hot chick in years, and ‘Little Spike’ is doing all thethinking right now.”
“You don’t getit,” I grumbled.
“I’ll accept yourhumble apology a month from now, when you’re laying ass deep in a pile ofbeauties.”
“Why exactly doesmy release look like a hip hop video to you?” I cocked my head. “Once I’m out,I’ll have no place to live, no job, and no money. What about all that screams‘chick magnet’ to you?”
“You know mytheory,” Screek replied.
I rolled my eyes.“Oh, shit. Not this again.”
“A man has a solidshot with any woman he desires as long as he meets two criteria. Come on, ol’Spikey boy… say them with me.”
“He’s confident,”I grumbled.
“And at leastfifty percent less of a douchebag than her last boyfriend.”
Screek wiped awaya mock tear. “I know I’m not supposed to say things like this, but you’re myfavorite student.”
“What if I can’tfind her once I get out?”
“Are you fuckingkidding me?”
“Keep it down,Dawson, or we’ll all ride back in silence,” Hopper barked.
“Yes, sir,” hereplied before turning back to me. “Seriously, bro?” Screek whisper shouted. “Ithought you’d been listening to me.”
“According to yourtheory, I could have any woman in the world, is that right?” I challenged.
“So long as theaforementioned two criteria are met, yes.”
“Well, I wantTrixie.”
“My release dateis only three weeks after yours,” he murmured.
“What’s that gotto do with anything?”
“Because I plan onplowing through as much pussy as humanly possible once I’m out of here, andthat’s gonna be a lot harder without my wingman by my side.”
“I won’t leave youhanging.”
“If you’re hung upon some chick, you will.”
“Plowing pussy.Getting hung up on chicks? Who the fuck are we, the T-birds?” I grumbled.
“Look, my pointis, there are tons of interesting, beautiful young women in the greaterPortland area. Perhaps we should meet more than a few of them before you startwriting your wedding vows.”
“Do whatever youwant,” I replied. “But I’m telling you, by the time you get out, Trixie and Iwill be together.”
Screek shook hishead. “Where did I go wrong?”