Page 94 of Sweet Pea


“What the hell happened?” I snapped as Sweet Pea was wheeled back to his hospital bed in Eldie’s clinic.

“I’m okay,” he rasped.

“You’re not okay,” I countered, as Minus and Clutch lifted him onto the mattress, and he groaned in pain. “You’re hurt.”

“It’s fine, Callie,” he said, but he looked far from it. His hospital gown was soaked in blood and he had fresh bruises on his arms and neck. He also looked dehydrated and exhausted.

Because Clutch was the closest to me, I turned on him first, jabbing my finger into his chest. “You were supposed to have his back! You promised he’d be protected.”

“Ow, babe, hold on,” Clutch said.

“No, you fucking hold on,” I growled. “How much more damage did you do to him? I swear to God, I will make you hurt if anything’s permanent.” I was screeching like a banshee now as I continued to jab at Clutch. If I’d been in my right mind, I might question why the big man just stood there and took it, but since I wasn’t even close to sane at the moment, I continued to rail on him, “You promised me he’d be—”

“Jesus, Callie, enough!” Sweet Pea snapped.

“Oh, hell, no!” I turned to him. “You promised me you weren’t going to be hurt! What did that monster do to you?”

A firm but gentle arm wrapped around my shoulders and I was pulled against Minus’s granite like chest. “He’s okay, sweetheart. It’s all okay. We’re gonna get some more pain meds in him, but he’s okay.”

I burst into tears, my anger evaporating into the terror I’d been dealing with all night, and I gripped Minus’s kutte and sobbed into his shirt.

“Goddammit, Minus, release my woman,” Sweet Pea demanded. “If you need to cry, you’ll fuckin’ do it with me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Get your ass over here,” Sweet Pea said, and I climbed into the bed beside him.

He wrapped his arm around me and cradled me gently to his chest as Clutch and Minus left us alone.

“What did he do to you?” I rasped.

“It doesn’t matter, baby. It’s done. I’m here, I’m okay.”

“Please tell me you ripped his dick off.”