“Nurse? He’s groaning in his sleep. He needs pain meds.”
Okay, wait, that was definitely her voice. I took a chance and opened my eyes to see her leaning out of the door, demanding a nurse come and help me.
“Callie?” I rasped.
She turned and rushed back to the bed. “Hey. How much pain are you in? Someone’s coming, okay?”
I reached for her hand, trying to keep her from disappearing. “What are you doing here?”
“First, do you want me here?”
I studied her. Jesus, she looked gorgeous. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun and piled on top of her head and she wore jeans that appeared to be painted on, along with a tight T-shirt that I wanted to peel off her.
“No,” I said.
“You need to go, Callie.”
She leaned closer. “You’re an idiot, you know? I just want to make that fact clear.”
“No,” she said, interrupting me, sitting on the edge of the mattress and setting her hands on either side of my head, meeting my eyes. “You only want me to go because you’re afraid.”
“Doozer is dead.”
“I know. Minus told me everything.”
“Then you know the same people that tried to take me out, got to him, and I wasn’t there to stop them. I can’t let that happen to you. I care about you too much.”
“I love you,” Callie said, speaking the words I didn’t have the courage to say. “So, this is how it’s going to go. I’m here. Whether you like it or not, but only if you love me. If you don’t, tell me now, so I can move on. But don’t lie to me. I’ll know.”
And she fucking would. Jesus, she was perfect.
“Ten seconds, Pea,” she warned.
“I don’t want you saddled with this shit. Didn’t you hear me about Doozer?”
“Yes, and I also heard you when you told me you wanted out of this life. And Minus when he told me that your club was trying to end this war.”
I stared, stunned by what I was hearing.
“I told you, Minus told me everything.”
“I’m hooked up to a piss bag, Callie.”
“Congratulations,” she said. “At least it’s not a feeding tube because you’re a vegetable and unable to feed yourself.”
“I can’t be the man you need.”
“Who the fuck are you to tell me what I need? I’m quite capable of taking care of that myself,” she said. “And let’s be honest. I really just need your mouth and your dick. The rest is simply a minor bonus.”
I bit back a laugh and stared at the woman who had my heart, my head, my entire being.
“You love me,” she said, and tried to stand, but I grabbed her arms.
“Yeah, Callie, I love you, but that’s not enough.”