“You know what I mean. Sure, you’re not this big cuddly bear when it comes to women, but you would never hurt them.”
“You wanna bet?” Nick snarls. “I wanted to choke her, Will. I want to have her on her fucking knees and begging me for mercy.”
I raise a brow. “You mean your dick. You're a cruel man in the bedroom, we all know it. But when it comes down to it, you would never actually hurt a woman. Let alone beat or kill one.”
He doesn’t say anything, glaring at me, because he knows I’m right. Nick likes rough sex. Girls at the MC compound would be all over him, knowing the type of treatment they would get from him. Everyone loves a bad boy.
It’s not who he is all the time. One time, one of the members backhanded their old lady and Nick saw. The beating that man ended up with later that night had him in the hospital for days.
He’s only acting this way with Nova because he hates himself for how much he wants her.
“The last fucking thing we need to deal with is taking care of an Omega,” Nick repeats. “I should have just left her on the side of the fucking road. Now, snow is coming down heavily and we’re going to be snowed in with her for God knows how long. What if her heat hits? There’s no way I’d be able to keep my hands off her.”
“Then don’t.” I shrug. “If she wants us to help her through her heat, then we do it. It’s just sex. We love sex.” I grin.
He just glares at me. “We’ve never helped an Omega through their heat.”
“Can’t be that hard, can it? Just fuck her brains out. Easy. Getting to cum all we want? Even easier. But let’s face it, the fact is, we’re going to have to learn to co-exist somehow. She’s not going anywhere.”
“No, she’s not because the roads are probably completely snowed in by now. It’s why it took me so long to come back. The snow was coming down hard. I already talked to our guy about the shipment. They said they wouldn’t come and get it. We attracted too much unwanted attention, and they’re not stepping a foot anywhere near this town. So we need to bring it to them. But we fucking can’t, because of the massive snow storm that‘s hitting us. After I got off the phone with him, I went shopping for everything we’ll need to survive for a month.”
Nick slams his beer bottle down on the counter top, leaning over the sink to look out at the darkening sky. “We don’t know how long we’re going to be here and using the generator gas to run a fucking movie was stupid.”
“About that.” I chuckle. “I got the power on. Guess they never shut off the connection here, just the breaker.”
His eyes flick over to mine. “So we have power?”
“Thank fuck.” He sighs. “Still got gas for it anyways. We can use it if the power goes out.”
“Worst comes to worst, we can always use the fireplace and wood stove.”
He nods his head. “Come help me bring everything in.”
Once we bring everything from the truck into the house and put it away, Nick disappears down to the basement.
Being over with the day, I head upstairs for a shower. Once I’m changed into sleep clothes, I get ready to go to bed, but pause as I lift the blanket up.
There’s an overwhelming urge for me to go check on her, to make sure she’s okay, even if I know Ian is in there with her.
“Fucking hell,” I groan, the Alpha in me, pounding on my chest with the need to protect and provide. Damn biology.
Sighing heavily, I drop the blanket and walk barefoot over to the room Nova’s staying in. The door is shut, making a small creaking sound as I open it.
“Who is it?” Ian’s voice is a whisper.
“Just me.”
He sighs. “Good. I’d fucking shoot Nick right now if it was him.”
I step inside, the light from the hallway giving just enough light to see him laying in the bed, Nova curled up on his chest.
“Is she okay?”
“Yeah. She was pretty pissed, raged for an hour before passing out in my arms.” I see the small smile that tilts his lips as he looks down at the Omega in his arms.
“You like her, don’t you?”