Then why the fuck am I excited to go back downstairs and watch a movie with Ian?

Damn it! I like the damn sweet-as-hell Alpha. I don’t even have the urge to be a bitch to him.

“Fuck it,” I mutter to myself. “Beats being stuck in that room.”

Heading back down stairs, I find Will sitting on the couch. “No one invited you,” I huff, crossing my arms.

He cocks a brow at me. “I invited myself.”

“Well, you’re not welcomed.”

His lip twitches. “And I don’t care. Sit and watch the movie or go upstairs, your choice, but I’m staying.”

I glare at him and the fucker holds my stare. “Fine,” I hiss, marching around the table to the other side of the couch next to Ian. “But you can’t have our popcorn,” I huff, snatching the bowl off the table.

“What are you, five?” Will mutters.

“What are you, a kidnapper?” I volley back.

“I don’t see any napped kids, do you?” He cocks his head to the side. “Unless you're lying about your age. Are you really just a kid, Nova?”

“If I was, that makes you lot a bunch of pervs being scent matched to a minor.”

Will’s eyes go wide. “Yeah, I’m out. I don’t want to play this game,” he grumbles, looking at the TV. “Just play the damn movie.”

I grin with triumph. “You move over and sit next to him,” I tell Ian, who’s clearly amused by my interaction with his brother and moves over to sit in the middle. Taking a seat next to him, I put my feet up on the coffee table and get comfortable.

“You know,” Ian leans in and whispers five minutes into the movie. “I think you’re just what this pack needs.”

My eyes snap over to his, and I glare at him. No. No, I am not what this pack needs. Because they are not what I need.

“Shh,” I mutter. “Watch the movie and shut up.” I grab a handful of popcorn and shove it into his mouth.

He grins, chewing the popcorn, looking too joyful for my liking.

He’s wrong. He just is.

By the time the movie is done, Ian and I are laughing, talking about funny parts of the movie.

“One time in elementary school, some kid stuck his tongue to a pole. Everyone panicked and one kid said they needed to get something hot to melt it off.”

“Did a teacher grab some hot water from inside the school?” Ian asks, grinning.

“Nope,” I snicker. “His friend was fast thinking and helped out all on his own.”

Ian’s eyes widen, lips parting.

“Please fucking tell me his friend didn’t piss on his tongue to melt it off?” Will asks, poking his head around Ian’s body to look at me.

“I could, but I’d be lying.” I burst out laughing at the horrified look on Will and Ian’s faces.

“Kids are fucking nasty little shits,” Will mutters.

I’m laughing so hard, I don’t hear the door open until a tall figure stands in the doorway.

Shit. Looks like old Saint Nick is home.

And there goes any good feeling I might have had tonight.