Standing there while smelling him had slick running down my fucking thighs, and I was ten seconds away from asking him to clean it up for me. With his tongue. And then give me a repeat of what we did in the bathroom earlier.
“Get a hold of yourself, Nova,” I groan, tossing the clothes onto the bed. Taking the towel off, I sigh, looking at the mess between my thighs. Using the towel, I clean myself up the best I can.
I hope they have a washer and dryer. Because if Nick can’t get me what I need, I’m going to be screwed. I don’t have enough scent blocking pads in the bag that I brought.
Something I’d very much like right about now. How can that asshole just be able to leave? He better be getting food, because I’m starving.
At least if he’s not here, I don’t have to worry about being treated like shit. There’s still a chance Will could be a dick, but so far he doesn’t seem too bad.
Getting dressed in Ian’s clothes–a pair of sweatpants, hoodie, and socks– I try and fail not to bury my face into the sweatshirt and deeply inhale his scent.
“I’m totally fucked,” I moan.
What the hell is my life going to be like now?
I don’t want Alphas. I don’t want a pack.
But do I really have the right to be picky?Seeing as how I started yesterday in a relationship and was happy, but ended it single, homeless,and kidnapped... I don’t think so.
Nick said I was free to go when they’re done here. But I don’t trust a word that comes out of his big stupid mouth. That man is crazy.He should be locked up or something.
He scares me... but also, the thought of him sends me into a rage I’ve never felt before.
All I can do right now is just take it hour by hour, day by day, because the reality is I’m not going anywhere unless they let me go. We’re in the middle of the woods, and only God knows how far away from the nearest house or town.
My plan is to stick with Ian, even if his smell makes me want to jump his bones and ride him like an Alpha-sized mechanical bull.
Honestly, the idea doesn’t sound too bad. I mean, I might not want them as my Alphas, but why not have a little fun while we’re here? It’ll make the time pass faster and we’ll get some orgasms out of it.
Fuck, maybe that’s just my oncoming heat talking. Nah, it’s one hundred percent my needy pussy making these demands.
Let’s be real, Trip might have been good with his dick, but he never knew how to use his mouth the way Ian did. If he’s that good at eating pussy, how well does his Alpha cock work?
I’m an Omega, I’m curious how it feels to take a knot. Sue me.
Chapter 5
After it takes me longer than I’d like to get the tangles out of my hair, I find my stomach growling loudly, demanding to be fed.When was the last time I ate? The mall?
“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter, making my way to the door.
I’m about to pound on it, demand they feed me, because if they don’t, I’ll die.I mean, technically it’s not a lie, right?
But then I wonder...Did he lock the door after I shut it?
Grabbing the handle, I turn it and find it is indeed unlocked. “Huh.”Maybe it’s just Nick who wants to act like a fucking caveman.
Slowly, I open the door and step out into the hallway, looking to see if anyone’s around.
When I see no one, I make my way to the stairs and groan when the smell of pancakes hits me.
“Fuck yes!”
I’m pounding my way down the stairs, making a left, and sliding to a skidding halt when I enter the kitchen.
Ian spins around, a spatula in his hand. “Hey.” He grins. “Hungry?”